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Who can say that the murderer an intimate! a friend! did not take advantage of that moment to slip into The Yellow Room, after having taken off his boots in the lavatory?" "It is very improbable," said Monsieur Stangerson. "Doubtless but it is not impossible. I assert nothing. As to the escape from the pavilion that's another thing, the most natural thing in the world."

He therefore made no more attempts to escape, but told the hero how to find the garden of the Hesperides, and likewise warned him of many difficulties which must be overcome before he could arrive thither. "You must go on, thus and thus," said the Old Man of the Sea, after taking the points of the compass, "till you come in sight of a very tall giant, who holds the sky on his shoulders.

"She yielded and gave her parole to Lyonnel, batard de Wandomme," says another; but Jeanne herself declares that she gave her faith to no one, reserving to herself the right to escape if she could.

"Just as you say, Rufus," repeated the mother. A light was glowing in Geraldine's eyes. It was day. She was young and strong. The world was wide. She laughed at her fears of the night. The right moment to escape would present itself. Rufus would have to go to the city, and even if he refused to leave without her, once in town she could easily give him the slip.

When I rose to take leave, Madame C tried all her efforts to persuade me to remain to sleep at her house, and I had no little difficulty to escape from her importunity.

Some time before his arrest he sent the negro man mentioned in the complaint South, in charge of some Logan County 'bushwhackers. On his way and in McDowell County the man managed to escape and returned into Hopkins's neighborhood, near Boone C. H., where he took his wife and three children alleged to have been the property of a woman named Smoot, and brought them to this post.

Most Governors of the Bank of England are cautious merchants, not profoundly skilled in banking, but most anxious that their period of office should be prosperous and that they should themselves escape censure. If a 'safe' course is pressed upon them they are likely to take that course.

Every struggle but binds the poisonous threads more firmly round his body, and then there is no escape; for when the winder of the fatal net finds his course impeded by the terrified human wrestling in its coils, he, seeking no contest with the mightier biped, casts loose his envenomed arms, and swims away.

At first I walked very swiftly, as if the heavy flood tide of social life were roaring at my heels, and would outstrip and overwhelm me, without all the better diligence in my escape.

He kissed Kedzie, and he had a narrow escape from being kissed by Mrs. Thropp. In the history of nations sometimes a paragraph serves for a certain decade, while a volume is not enough for a certain day. It is so with the history of persons.