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A book entitled "A Few Constructive Reflections on Marriage" by a man who had had a fixed habit for many years of getting divorces, a man whose ex-wives were all happily married would not be very deep probably. A symposium by his ex-wives who had all succeeded on their second husbands would really count more. Most candid people would admit this as a principle.

Madame de Maintenon resisted that influence but the Rue des Tournelles strove against Saint Cyr. The world fluctuated between these two systems established by women, both of them shall it be said courtesans? The legality and morality of our modern common law marriages and the ease and frequency of trivial divorces forbid it. Ninon prevailed, however, and not only governed hearts but souls.

Not one of those divorces has ever yet held good when ultimately contested in open court, by the parties against whom they have been secretly obtained.

It was known to all those whom she addressed, save perhaps the Englishwoman, that at the age of forty Mrs. Morton had undergone two divorces, and that she was now living wretchedly with a third husband, so she spoke with the authority of one having had sufficient experience. But Mrs. Flynn was too much interested in her own harrowing experiences to be diverted by cynical raillery.

Of the remainder, 19 per cent, were for unfaithfulness, and the same proportion for cruelty; but while the divorces granted to husbands for the infidelity of their wives are nearly three times as great proportionately as those granted to wives for their husband's adultery, with regard to cruelty it is the reverse, wives obtaining 27 per cent, of their divorces on that ground and husbands only 10 per cent.

Peterborough remarked to me, 'We shall have many things to talk over in England. 'No tobacco allowed on the premises at Riversley, I 'm afraid, said I. He sighed, and bade me jocosely to know that he regarded tobacco as just one of the consolations of exiles and bachelors. 'Peterborough, my good friend, you are a hero! cried my father. 'He divorces tobacco to marry!

Napoleon divorces Josephine Marries the Archduchess Maria Louisa Deposes Louis Buonaparte Annexes Holland and the whole Coast of Germany to France Revolution in Sweden Bernadotte elected Crown Prince of Sweden Progress of the War in the Peninsula Battle of Busaco Lord Wellington retreats to the Lines of Torres Vedras.

Honest indifference has no intrigues, no elopements, no disgraceful trials for criminal conversation, no divorces. No; your lovers in the yoke of matrimony, when they tilt with each other, do it sharply, with naked weapons; whereas, the worthy indifferents, in the same circumstances, have a wholesome regard for each other, and rattle away only with the scabbards.

During the conversation, Eileen got the impression that if he had expressed his opinion about divorces, it might not have been altogether complimentary. He had grown up in Reno and for more than fifteen years had seen the divorcees appear and vanish, and oh! what a tale he could have told.

In other words, divorce cases are frequently rushed through our divorce courts without solemnity, without adequate investigation, with every opportunity for collusion between the parties, so as to favor a very free granting of divorces.