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Girls brought him leis of flowers to wear round his neck; anonymous friends stole milk for his refreshment; pigeon hunters, returning singing from the mountains, deferentially laid their best at his feet. Nothing was too good for this unfortunate chief, who bore himself so nobly, and had a smile and a kind word for even the humblest of his admirers.

It was only Joseph, leaning deferentially over Judge Lee's shoulder, who said softly: "Mr. Christopher Liggett, Judge. He has telephoned that he would like to see you for a moment after dinner, and will be here at about nine o'clock." The dinner went on, for Norma, in a daze.

"Them rubbers are having a fit!" she murmured in my ear, as she deferentially took a blazing peach from me, and placed it before Flora with a look so black it seemed to say: "If you get your deserts, you little blister, it would set fire to you!"

How could the "boys" from far Nebraska be supposed to know that the little chap had spent his whole life in the shadow of the flag, and had many a time in baby days been dandled on the very arm that was now so deferentially bent and uplifted in soldier homage?

Tacit reciprocities of misunderstanding ensuing, he felt it safest to say: "Nothing wrong, I hope?" This is what followed: "I think you might show more interest. I have been very much startled and annoyed.... But I must tell you later. There's no time now." "I think," says his lordship deferentially, "that, having mentioned it, it might be better to ..."

Then came the roar of the wind rushing in. Someone, probably the lame boy, ran to the door leading to the "travellers' room," coughed deferentially, and lifted the latch. "This way, lady, please," said a woman's voice in dulcet tones. "It's clean in here, my beauty. . . ."

Belcovitch in a dumb, sullen way, remembering how that capitalist had figured in his red rhetoric, though it was an extra pang of martyrdom to have to listen deferentially to Belcovitch's numerous political and economical fallacies. He would have preferred the curter dogmatism of earlier days.

He bowed to her as deferentially as to a sultana, when he made his answer. "It had been an accident," he commenced. "The stage had overturned on its way, and monsieur being in it, had been thrown out by its falling into a gully. His collar-bone had been broken, and several of his ribs fractured; but the worst of his injuries had been a gash on his head a sharp stone had done it.

He has not come, and I don't think we should show any anxiety about it, replied the attorney, taking the captain's thin hand rather deferentially. 'I've had a such a letter from my my client, Mr. Mark Wylder. He writes in a violent passion, and I'm really placed in a most disagreeable position. 'Won't you sit down?

Other persons of authority hurried about, talking and gesticulating; and a number of workmen waited idly for orders. "Where is Chirac?" suddenly cried the old man with the watch. Several voices deferentially answered, and a man ran away into the gloom on an errand. Then Chirac appeared, nervous, self-conscious, restless.