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Upon a high ledge of rock to which I have climbed, not without some unpleasant qualms, I stretch myself out upon a strip of short turf sprinkled with the flowers of the white rock-rose and bordered with candy-tuft, and try to drive out of mind the only disagreeable thought I have at this moment that of getting down to the path, where I was safe.

You'll find packages of seeds. Bring them out here and we'll see which you want in your bed." While Mr. Merrill gave the earth its heavy spading, Mary Jane got the bright colored seed packages and spread them out on the sidewalk. Then as she spelled out the letters, her father told her what each package contained. Lettuce and radishes and nasturtiums and carrots and candy-tuft and

It is this useful quality as a setting that gives value to many white flowers lacking intrinsic beauty, like sweet alyssum, candy-tuft, the yarrows, and the double feverfew.

He laughed, but continued standing after she was seated. The air was heavy with the scent of rockets and phlox and ragged pinks and candy-tuft. Through the sweet-scented dusky silence some small and very wakeful bird was trilling.

It won't last over, though." "Annuals die down at the end of the first season. I'm getting these terms straightened in my so-called mind," laughed Dorothy. "You said you had a bleeding heart " "A fine old perennial," exclaimed Ethel Brown, airing her new information. " and pink candy-tuft for the border and foxgloves for the back; are those old plants or seedlings?" "Both."

From the broad landscape I turn to the wayside flowers: the agrimony, the little lotus, the candy-tuft getting rare now that I have left the arid stony region the blue scabious, and, pleasanter than all, the purple patches of dwarf thyme. It was not yet evening when I came to Lisle, a rather large village near the Dronne.

From the garden below the night wind brought soft fragrance of lilacs and crepe-myrtle, of bleeding-heart and wall-flower, of cow-slips and candy-tuft, and as they blew in and out, like the touch of unseen hands, they stirred old memories made that which was dead, alive again. "You're a fool, Gibbie Gault a fool!

And phlox Sally, you must have masses of phlox and candy-tuft, and mignonette, and sweet alyssum " "And love-in-a-mist, and forget-me-nots, and sweet peas, and hollyhocks. Only the hollyhocks are not going to be in the garden, but in a long row back there, to screen away the kitchen garden from the lawn. Only oh, dear, you have to wait so long for the things you want most!