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Besides, the word Christian always attracts the Nonconformists in spite of themselves. They are bound to support you if you stick to the line of a believer in Christ irrespective of particular doctrines. And so on and so on. I prefer something more hard and fast myself. Yet they may be right. One must go with the times."

To them it owes allegiance; from them it must derive its courage, strength, and wisdom. But while the Government is thus bound to defer to the people, from whom it derives its existence, it should, from the very consideration of its origin, be strong in its power of resistance to the establishment of inequalities.

When Mr. Chamberlain sailed from Key West at night with the fleet of Admiral Sampson, he believed that the latter was bound for Santiago, on the southeastern coast of Cuba. The Hercules could not possibly carry coal enough for a voyage there and back; in fact, she would reach that port with only one day's supply of fuel in her bunkers. What should be done then?

"I am sorry that we have not been able to keep fully informed about the campaign in the East," he said. "I am bound to assume from this that the tariff issue has been raised there, and if a fight is to be made upon it I, as the head of the ticket, must do my share."

I knew what he meant by that one word well enough I knew what he wished to make me understand. With the wind that now drove us on, we were bound for the whirl of the Stroem, and nothing could save us!

"With your notary; but you invest it so as not to lose the interest of a single day." "Yes, but where is the money that I keep for my monthly expenses?" "You put it in a large book bound in red, entitled 'Pandects of Justinian, Vol. II. between the last two leaves; the book is on the shelf of folios above the glass buffet. You have a whole row of them.

If so, the materials are all ready to hand, but the putting them together would be a heavy task. On the other hand, if I choose a modern period which has not been dealt with, I shall get but small thanks and am bound to give serious offence.

And Alma went forth, and also Amulek, among the people, to declare the words of God unto them; and they were filled with the Holy Ghost. And they had power given unto them, insomuch that they could not be confined in dungeons; neither was it possible that any man could slay them; nevertheless they did not exercise their power until they were bound in bands and cast into prison.

"You are prejudiced, and I think you are mistaken. You only saw the man for a few minutes last night, and you know nothing of him " "Nothing, except what he is bound to reveal," answered Santoris. "What do you mean?"

The State rapidly fell into a stupor. In Germany, where it was necessary to proceed to the ordering of the province, everything was suspended; the people, apparently subdued, were not bound to pay any tribute, and were left to govern themselves solely and entirely by their own laws a strange anomaly in the history of the Roman conquests, which only the departure of Tiberius can explain.