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It was accidentally discovered in 1780, in consequence of a peasant digging in the vineyard to make a cellar, and breaking through a part of the vaulted roof of the tomb. Then was brought suddenly to light the celebrated sarcophagus of plain peperino stone, which contained the remains of the Roman consul, Lucius Scipio Barbatus, after having been undisturbed for nearly twenty-two centuries.

Here and there were Latin inscriptions attached to the different recesses where the dead had lain; but they were only copies, the originals having been removed to the Vatican, where the sarcophagus of Lucius Scipio Barbatus and the bust of the poet Ennius may now be seen.

The left wing was held by Martinus and Valerian, John, Cyprian, Althias, and Marcellus, and as many others as were commanders of the foederati ; and the right was held by Pappas, Barbatus, and Aïgan, and the others who commanded the forces of cavalry. And in the centre John took his position, leading the guards and spearmen of Belisarius and carrying the general's standard.

The Sweet William or Dianthus barbatus affords another instance; it is very interesting because a twisted race is available, which may produce thousands of instances developed in all imaginable degrees, in a single lot of plants. Viscaria oculata is another instance belonging to the same family. I have found them myself in Holland on Galium verum and G. Aparine.

The most extraordinary character in the present reign was that of Valeria Messalina, the daughter of Valerius Messala Barbatus. She was married to Claudius, and had by him a son and a daughter. To cruelty in the prosecution of her purposes, she added the most abandoned incontinence.

In the Latin this fish is named Barbatus, which both Hakluyt and Harris have translated Turbot, a fish never found in rivers. It was more probably a Barbel, in Latin called Barbus; or it might be of the Sturgeon tribe, which likewise has beard-like appendages, and is found in the Don. This, according to the Roman method of reckoning, ought to be the last day of July.

-Cornelius Lucius Scipio Barbatus, Gnaivod patre prognatus, fortis vir sapiensque, Quoius forma virtu tei parisuma fuit, Consol censor aidilis quei fuit apud vos, Taurasia Cisauna Samnio cepit, Subigit omne Loucanum opsidesque abdoucit.

-Cornelius Lucius Scipio Barbatus, Gnaivod patre prognatus, fortis vir sapiensque, Quoius forma virtu tei parisuma fuit, Consol censor aidilis quei fuit apud vos, Taurasia Cisauna Samnio cepit, Subigit omne Loucanum opsidesque abdoucit.

Sexual differences such as these may be strictly compared with those which are so frequent with gallinaceous birds. Dr. Plecostomus barbatus. See Dr. These hairs are of the nature of scales. In another species of the same genus, soft flexible tentacles project from the front part of the head of the male, which are absent in the female.

The sarcophagus of Cornelius Scipio Barbatus in the Vatican museum, and the tomb of the Tibicines in the Museo Municipale al Celio are also of this stone. Travertine stone was quarried in the plains of Tivoli at places now called Le Caprine, Casal Bernini, and Il Barco. This last was reopened after an interval of many centuries by Count G. Brazza, brother of the African explorer.