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It was announced several months prior to its commencement that the holy prophet Elisha was deputized to visit the Zion of God on earth, and to bestow upon each individual those graces which each needed, and to baptize with the Holy Ghost all the young who would prepare their souls for such a baptism. "The time at length arrived. No one knew the manner in which the prophet would make himself known.

As he had no acquaintances in the place, he was in a strait for god-parents, who were indispensable. "I cannot be your godmother," I answered. "I am neither pravoslavnaya nor Russian. Cannot the priest find sponsors for you?" "That is not the priest's place. His business is merely to baptize. But perhaps he might be persuaded to manage that also, if I had better clothes."

You are a Christian, send me a priest, that he may baptize me, if he does not think me unworthy, for I am burdened with sins so heavily as no other woman can be. Her large, sweet, childlike eyes filled again with big silent tears, and I spoke to her from my heart, and showed her as well as I could the grace of the Redeemer.

I rather spent for you as far as I was able; and among you and everywhere for you I endured many perils in distant places, where none had been further or had ever come to baptize, or ordain the clergy, or confirm the people. By the grace of the Lord I labored freely and diligently in all things for your salvation.

He took it home, and later on I saw him swelling about in it quite like a neat old gentleman, though I was almost ashamed to give it him. 'They have had family worship in their home for a year or two they say. We went to baptize her. It was such a small, poor house, but so very nice inside.

"Ordinary" that is, the one who has a right to baptize and generally does; others can baptize only in case of necessity. "Priest" and all above him bishops, and the Pope; for they have all the power the priest has, and more besides. "Minister" is the name given here to one who performs any of the sacred rites or ceremonies of the Church. "Necessity."

'My dearest Sisters, You are thinking of me to-day, I know, but you hardly know that in an hour or two I hope the Primate will ride down and baptize nine of our Melanesian scholars. 'The last few weeks have been a happy, though of course an anxious time, and now to-day the great event of their lives is to take place. May God grant that the rest of their lives may be like this beginning!

Taking the name "automatism" from the phenomenon of automatic writing I am not sure that he may not himself have been the first so to baptize this latter phenomenon he made one great simplification at a stroke by treating hallucinations and active impulses under a common head, as sensory and motor automatisms.

For the Jews heard them shout and praise God. Then Peter said, "Can any one refuse to baptize those who, as well as we, have received the Holy Spirit?" And he commanded that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they begged him to stay with them several days. When Peter came up to Jerusalem, the Jewish followers of Jesus found fault with him for preaching to those who were not Jews.

But she was weak and emotional. The baby behaved admirably, even when Lewis, trembling with pride, held it out to Mr. Glynn for baptism and held it so that the blood rushed to its head. "I baptize thee in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." She was happy and the tears were in her eyes.