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In ritual also, the number divisible by three of the members of almost all the oldest colleges of the Vestal Virgins, the Salii, the Arval Brethren, the Luperci, the Augurs probably had reference to that three-fold partition. These three elements into which the primitive body of burgesses in Rome was divided have had theories of the most extravagant absurdity engrafted upon them.

The Ogulnian law of 454 accordingly threw these also open to plebeians, by increasing the number both of the pontifices and of the augurs from six to nine, and equally distributing the stalls in the two colleges between patricians and plebeians. Equivalence of Law and Plebiscitum

But I suppose you are truthful. That's a doubtful compliment you're giving me, but I'm glad to say your veracity augurs well for your success as a lawyer. If you are always as honest as in that little speech you just delivered, you'll do." "Oh, I'll make grand old Abe Lincoln look to his laurels."

No work of state could be carried on if the heavens were declared to be unpropitious; and an augur could always say that the heavens were unpropitious if he pleased. This was the recognized constitutional mode of obstruction, and was quite in accord with the feelings of the people. Pompey alone, or Crassus with him, would certainly have submitted to an augur; but Cæsar was above augurs.

The Ogulnian law of 454 accordingly threw these also open to plebeians, by increasing the number both of the pontifices and of the augurs from six to nine, and equally distributing the stalls in the two colleges between patricians and plebeians. Equivalence of Law and Plebiscitum

The success that has attended your school this year, as evidenced by both the wide range and number of the attendants, is truly encouraging and augurs well for the future of that institution which, we have every reason to hope, is destined to develop into a leading Bahá’í University throughout the West.

"Well, what pleases you in the Roman history?" "Oh, I like that about Quintus Curtius." "Quintus Curtius?" said Mr. Sewell, pretending not to remember. "Oh, don't you remember him? why, there was a great gulf opened in the Forum, and the Augurs said that the country would not be saved unless some one would offer himself up for it, and so he jumped right in, all on horseback.

Peggy looked up with an anxious expression in her blue eyes but again Vanderlyn's ears and eyes were holden. He habitually felt for the medical profession the unreasoning dislike, almost the contempt, your perfectly healthy human being, living in an ailing world, often in fact almost always does feel for those who play the rôle of the old augurs in our modern life. Mrs.

"You speak justly, my father," answered Philaemon: "The Athenian law, which condemns any man for speaking disrespectfully of his neighbour's trade, is most wise; and it augurs ill for Athens that some of her young equestrians begin to think it unbecoming to bring home provisions for their own dinner from the agoras."

The Roman paganism which was superimposed by the conquering race was the mere shell of a once vital religion. Educated men had long ceased to believe in the gods and divinities of Greece, and it is said that the Roman augurs, while giving their solemn prophetic utterances, could not look at each other without laughing. In the year 312 alas for Christianity! it was espoused by imperial power.