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"He only came home this morning, probably rather drunk." Raisky approached the telega. "What do you want of him?" asked the woman. "To visit him." "Let him sleep." "Why?" "I am frightened here alone with him, and my husband won't be here yet. I hope he'll sleep." "Does he insult you?" "No, it would be wicked to say such a thing. But he is so restless and peculiar that I am afraid of him."

After a while they moved on, and as they approached the final short dash of the home-stretch we closed up on them and joined them. Presently we all stood together on the summit! What a view was spread out below!

Next evening they arrived at the mines; and, after seeing to the comfort of his horse, and inquiring rather hastily as to the welfare of his family, the interpreter conducted Martin to the overseer's house in order to introduce him. The Baron Fagoni stood smoking in the doorway of his dwelling as they approached; and the first impression that Martin received of him was anything but agreeable.

At the altitude to which the study of philosophy had now lifted me, I saw that the questions with which I had approached Science were incorrectly formulated, and they fell away of themselves, even without being answered.

The Turkish vessel now approached them in awful silence, but in an instant the dreadful noise of the artillery was heard, and the heavens were obscured with smoke intermixed with transitory flashes of fire.

She gave directions to her chauffeur. They were to traverse for some distance the same road she had taken on that ill-fated night a year and a half before. In course of time the motor approached a well-remembered railway crossing. "Slow down, Cole," she said. "This is a mean place a very mean place."

'If they want me, surely they will call me, he thought, wondering more and more. He could no longer doubt that he was connected with the subject of their discourse. The first who approached him was a boy. 'What has occurred? said Owen. 'O, a man ha' got crazy-religious, and sent for the pa'son. 'Is that all? 'Yes, sir.

The dog was gnawing a bone and would not be disturbed from the pure delight of sucking the marrow of which he was the legitimate proprietor. A crow approached the scene of the feast, and conceived the design of taking possession of it; he began by hopping around the dog, going and coming, trying to attract the animal's attention and ready to profit by the first distraction.

At one period the republic of Venice wished to put a stop to the depredations by Spanish pirates upon Venetian commerce, but the subject could not even be approached by the envoy until he had expended far more than could be afforded out of his meagre salary in buying an interview.

They fought with the giant Pain, and some of them went down into the dark valley, and close by the chill waters they faced the King of Terrors. I slept none that night. As morning approached, I went to the edge of the little opening which had been cleared in the woods for the tents.