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Soc., ii, 230. The Parish of Chagford in Devon Ass. for Adv. of Science, viii, 74. Wilts Arch. Mag., xxxv , Mere Acc'ts, 30. These have been transcribed verbatim by Mr. T.H. Baker. Op. cit. Because of greatly increased expenses the wardens here thenceforth resorted to collections according to a book of rates.

Hartland, Devon, Acc'ts, Hist. MSS. Com. Many other examples will be found in the wardens acc'ts and elsewhere. See Hudson, op. cit., supra, 106. In 1595 two cows were bequeathed to Lapworth to be rented out at 20 d. yearly. Art. xxv, Cardwell, Doc. Ann., i, 189 ff. In North Elmham the term "office land" seems to have been used for lands set apart for the remuneration of parish servants. Cf. Mr.

"The contradictory acc'ts given of the Lands upon the Mississippi are really astonishing some speak of the Country as a terrestrial Paradise, whilst others represent it as scarce fit for anything but Slaves and Brutes.

Martin's Leicester, Acc'ts, 98, where the times of collection are named. See, among others, Ludlow Acc'ts, Shrop. Archit. Also St. Edmund's, Sarum, Acc'ts, Wilts Rec. Soc. for 1896, p. 141 . E.g., at St. Edmund's, Sarum, or at St. Martin's, Leicester. See, e.g., J.E. Foster, St. Offerings of the masters of arts and of the bachelors form a distinct feature here. See pp. 41 ff. and 59 supra.

Leverton, Lincolnshire, Acc'ts, Archæologia, xli, 333 ff. In the Chelmsford Acc'ts, Essex Arch. Soc., ii, 225-6 , is a most interesting inventory showing an elaborate stage outfit. Examples are Thos. North, St. St. St. Edmund and St. Thomas, Sarum, Acc'ts, introd., p. xvii. At St. T.N. & A.S. Garry, St. Examples: Wandsworth Acc'ts in Surrey Arch. Wilts Arch. Chagford Acc'ts in Devon Ass.

See Queen's Inj. of 1559, art. xviii. Also art. xviii of Archbp. Also Cardwell, Doc. Ann., i, 337, etc. Other examples in Hale, Crim. Cf. Canterbury Visit., xxv, 15, where three parishioners are presented for covering up a parish procession linch . Melton Acc'ts in Leicest. Archit. and Arch. Soc., iii, 192 . Ludlow Acc'ts in Shrop. Arch. Soc., 2nd ser., i, s.a. 1601-2, etc.

At Stratton, Cornwall, up to 1547, at any rate, if not later, ales were the chief source of income. Archaeologia, xlvi, 195-6. Also St. Anthony's Gild ales at Chagford. Devon Ass. for Adv. of Science, viii, 74 . Various persons at Milton Abbot sold ale and bread. Op. cit., vol. xi , 218. The same year in these acc'ts we find three conduit wardens mentioned. Butcher, The Parish of Ashburton, 41.

Cf. provisions of the statutes 5 Eliz. c. 13, and 18 Eliz. c. 10, Stats. of Realm, iv, Pt. i, 441-3, and 620-1 respectively. Brownlow v. Lambert, C.B., 41 Eliz., I Croke Eliz. Rep., Leache's ed. , Pt. ii, 716. This work hereinafter cited as Hale, Crim. Prec. Constables Acc'ts of Melton in Leicester Architec. and Archaeol. Soc. Trans., iii , 72-3. Chelmsford Churchwardens Acc'ts in Essex Archaeol.

In this year the 39 Eliz. c. 3 was enacted which instituted overseers of the poor nominated by the licence of the justices, and placed wholly under their supervision. See, e.g., Manchester Deanery Visit., 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 68, etc. Also Warrington Deanery Visit., 184, 186, 187, 191, etc. Cf. the item in the Ludlow Acc'ts, Shrop. Arch.

R.W. Goulding, Records of the Charity known as Blanchminster's Charity, Stratton , 64-5. In 1562 it is said to have contained only 48 families. John Amphlett, Churchwardens Acc'ts of St. Op. cit., 142-3. See ibid., and for the year named, the receipts from these properties.