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Improvised undertaking shops have embalmed and placed in their shrouds 198 persons. The dead were strewn about the town in all conceivable places where their bodies would be protected from the thoughtless feet of the living. Most of the bodies embalmed last night had been taken out of the river in the morning by the people at Nineveh, who worked incessantly night and day searching the river.

Conduct of this character, brought in several instances to the notice of the present Secretary of the Treasury, naturally awakened his suspicion, and resulted in the disclosure that at four ports namely, Oswego, Toledo, Sandusky, and Milwaukee the Treasury had, by false entries, been defrauded within the four years next preceding March, 1853, of the sum of $198,000.

I am, Sir, Your affectionate admirer SPECTATOR, Vol. IV. No. 408. The Advantages of representing Human Nature in its proper Dignity. TATLER, No. 198.

According to the Memoirs of Lochiel, it appears that Sir Allan must have died in 1673 or 1674; since the author speaks, in 1674, of the "late Sir Allan." Archibald, ninth Earl, was only restored to the Earldom. Memoirs of Lochiel, p. 196. Id. p. 198. Mem. of Lochiel, p. 195. Hist. Acct. of the Clan, p. 174. Memoirs of Lochiel. Supposed to be John Drummond of Balhaldy.

Hatra became known as a place of importance in the early part of the second century after Christ. It successfully resisted Trajan in A.D. 116, and Severus in A.D. 198. It is then described as a large and populous city, defended by strong and extensive walls, and containing within it a temple of the Sun, celebrated for the great value of its offerings.

A little later he wrote: 'I have done thinking of whom we now call Sir Sawney; he has disgusted all mankind by injudicious parsimony, and given occasion to so many stories, that has some thoughts of collecting them, and making a novel of his life. Ib. p. 198. The last of Rowlandson's Caricatures of Boswell's Journal is entitled Revising for the Second Edition.

[Footnote 80: Berlin, nine parts, 1775-1785. Vol I, pp. 128 ; Vol. II, pp. 122; Vol. III, pp. 141; Vol. IV, pp. 198 ; Vols. V

They were then distributing 1,923,361 rations per day gratuitously, at an average cost of 2-1/2d. per ration; and 92,326 rations were sold, making in all 2,015,687 rations. Of the 1677 electoral divisions under the Act, 1479 had received loans or grants, 198 had not applied for any advances, and 312 had not sent in any return up to the time the report was published.

Fordyce and Sir Charles Blagden, in England. Sir Joseph Banks, Dr. Solander, and Sir Charles Blagden entered a room in which the air had a temperature of 198 degrees Fahr., and remained ten minutes; but as the thermometer sunk very rapidly, they resolved to enter the room singly. Dr. Solander went in alone and found the heat 210 degrees, and Sir Joseph entered when the heat was 211 degrees.

Arch., xviii. 19. See Jensen, Kosmologie, pp. 224, 225. Cory's Ancient Fragments, p. 58. See above, pp. 198, 199. See above, pp. 198, 199. I avoid the term "Sumerian" here, because I feel convinced that the play on Anshar is of an entirely artificial character and has no philological basis. See below, pp. 421-423. IIR. 54, no. 3.