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The reader will feel interested to learn, that from that time the Lord was pleased to prosper the business of this dear Christian brother, so that his returns from the 1st of March, 1868, up to March 1, 1869, were £9,138 13s. 5d., while during the same period the previous year they had been only £6,609 18s. 3d., therefore £2,528 15s. 2d. more than the year before.

But it was the nearest they had yet found, and the highest as well, so that the partners were made the less critical by the contemplation of their splendid dividends. Wicks put in £100, and stood to draw captain's wages for two months; his taking was £333 3s. 6-3/4d. Carthew put in £150; he was to take out £401 18s. 6-1/2d.

By 8 gallons & 3 qts. wine for funeral. £1 15s. By Barrel cyder for funeral. 16s. 1 Coffin. 12s. Windeing sheet. 18s." Even town paupers had two or three gallons of rum or a barrel of cider given by the town to serve as speeding libations at their unmourned funerals. The liquor at the funeral of a minister was usually paid for by the church or town often interchangeable terms for the same body.

During the last two years there have been circulated 1,884 copies of the Scriptures in connection with the Institution, and since the beginning of the work, March 5, 1834, 5,078 copies. 5. For missionary purposes have been laid out £74, 18s. 4d. 6. The total of the income for the first three objects, during the last two years, was £1,129, 13s. 1d.; the total of the expense, £1,111, 13s. 7½d.

About two o'clock this afternoon I received from the brother, who had more than forty days ago, made that promise, £166 18s., as he this day received the money, on the strength of which he had made that promise. Of this sum £100 are to be used for the work in my hands, and the remainder for brother Craik's and my own personal expenses." Under date 1842 Mr. Müller writes:

Through the instrumentality of the box, £31. 14s. From brethren of the Church at Teignmouth, in presents of money, £6. 18s. 6d. From brethren living at Teignmouth and elsewhere, not connected with the Church at Teignmouth, £93. 6s. 2d. Altogether, £131. 18s. 8d. There had been likewise many articles of provision and some articles of clothing given to us, worth at least £20.

Let it not be said, all this is enthusiasm, and therefore it is come to nought. III. My temporal supplies have been: By the Freewill Offerings through the boxes £149 18s. 6 1/2d. By Presents in money, from believers in and out of Bristol £77 4s. 0d. By Presents in clothes, provisions, &c., which were worth to us at least £25 0s. 0d. By Money through family connexion £45 0s. 0d.

Before the reformation of the gold coin, the price of standard gold bullion in the market had, for many years, been upwards of £3:18s. sometimes £ 3:19s, and very frequently £4 an ounce; that sum, it is probable, in the worn and degraded gold coin, seldom containing more than an ounce of standard gold.

For a servant-maid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1#, 0s., 0d. 26#, 18s., 0d. This was the second-rate bill; the third, she said, was for a degree higher, and when the father or friends appeared: For three months' lodging and diet, having two rooms and a garret for a servant . . . . . . 30#, 0s., 0d.,

It is calculated that the best coals may be delivered, screened, at the mouth of the Thames for 18s. per load, yielding a profit of not less than forty-eight per cent to the shareholders. Shares L50, to be paid in five instalments. Capital to be subscribed, one million. For shares, early application must be made to Messrs. Blunt & Tin, solicitors, Lothbury."