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The boiler is 11 ft. long and 4 ft. diameter, and the heating surface is in the tubes, 1,013 feet; fire-box, 85 ft.; total, 1,098 feet. The tractive power per lb. of steam pressure in the cylinders is 68 lb. The weight in full working order is on the leading wheels, 9 tons 8 cwt.; driving wheels, 11 tons 10 cwt.; trailing wheels, 6 tons 2 cwt.; total, 27 tons.

The Austria-Hungary Empire had in 1891 eleven universities, eight of which were in Austria, with 1,112 professors and 14,272 students. The remaining three were in Hungary and had 322 professors and 4,098 students. There were for the same year in Switzerland nine universities, with 434 professors and 2,619 students.

It is believed, as a result of this survey, that epilepsy is a more prevalent disease than it has heretofore been thought to be." The other report gives the following information: "Of the 1,087 girls and 1,098 boys examined in the rural schools, 93 of the former and 100 of the latter were below the average mentally, or 8.7 per cent of the whole number.

"Spaceship bearing 098 full thrust! Range now four twenty-five!" "By the craters of Luna," shouted Tom, "why didn't you pick her up sooner, Roger?" "Never mind that. Contact that guy and tell him to change course! He can't brake in time now!" "All right! Sign off!" Without waiting for a reply, Tom cut Roger off and switched to a standard space band.

In the second part they have investigated the action of bichromate solutions of various strengths on thin sheet-steel, about 0.098 inch thick, which was cold-rolled and contained: Carbon, 1.144 per cent.; silica, 0.166 per cent.; manganese, 0.104 per cent. Four solutions were used.

The circulation per capita has increased about $5 during the time covered by the table referred to. The total coinage of silver dollars was on November 1, 1889, $343,638,001, of which $283,539,521 were in the Treasury vaults and $60,098,480 were in circulation.

His voice quivering, the young cadet spoke quickly and urgently into the microphone. "Space station to spaceship approaching on orbit 098. Change course! Emergency! Reduce thrust and change course or you will crash into us!" As he spoke, Tom watched the master screen of his scanner and saw the ship rocketing closer and closer with no change in speed or course.

This was the largest vote ever polled for suffrage at any election 553,348 out of a vote of 1,300,880, being 42-1/2 per cent. The vote in the State outside of New York City was 427,479 noes, 315,250 ayes, opposing majority, 112,229; in this city 320,853 noes, 238,098 ayes, opposing majority 82,755; total opposed, 194,984.

The circulation per capita has increased about $5 during the time covered by the table referred to. The total coinage of silver dollars was on November 1, 1889, $343,638,001, of which $283,539,521 were in the Treasury vaults and $60,098,480 were in circulation.

Our exports to the lower ports are made up as follows: 3,485 barrels of Potash .................... L27,880 0 0 33,198 " Flour ..................... 33,198 0 0 357 bushels of Grass seed ................ 133 17 6 1,450 " Barley .................... 181 5 0 4,947 " Peas ...................... 594 14 0 4,349 " Rye ....................... 434 18 0 37,360 " Wheat ..................... 7,472 0 0 198 barrels of Pork ...................... 396 0 0 54 " Beef ...................... 74 5 0 1,141 Sheep-skins .......................... 114 2 0 4,395,590 feet square Timber ................... 74,903 2 6 173 kegs of Butter ....................... 540 12 6 Furs ................................. 716 0 0 Fatted Cattle ........................ 1,840 0 0 High Wines ........................... 3,098 0 0 Whiskey .............................. 1,830 0 0 L153,411 16 6