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Updated: August 10, 2024

"Jenifer always makes the portions according to what is to follow, and I don't believe he'll think you had better. Jenifer, can Mr. D'Alloi have some more stuffing?" "Yissah," said Jenifer, grinning the true darkey grin, "if de gentmun want't sell his ap'tite foh a mess ob potash." "Never mind," said Watts. "I'm not a dyspeptic, and so don't need potash.

All he was able to say was, "That broth smells very nice, Jenifer." "Yissah. Dar ain't nuffin in dat sup buh a quart a thick cream, and de squeezin's of a hunerd clams, sah. Dat sup will make de angels sorry dey died. Dey'll just tink you'se dreful unkine not to offer dem a secon' help. Buh doan yo' do it, sah, foh when dey gits to dem prayhens, dey'll be pow'ful glad yo' didn't."

"And the candies and ices from Maillard?" "Yissah!" "And you've frappé the champagne?" "Yissah?" "Jenifer, don't put quite so much onion juice as usual in the Queen Isabella dressing. Ladies don't like it as much as men." "Yissah!" "And you stood the Burgundy in the sun?" "Yissah! Wha foh yo' think I doan do as I ginl'y do?"

You'll be my boss, I think, and I'll always vote for you." Peter thought the day even more glorious than he had before. The evening after this glorious day, Peter came in from his ride, but instead of going at once to his room, he passed down a little passage, and stood in a doorway. "Is everything going right, Jenifer?" he queried. "Yissah!" "The flowers came from Thorley's?" "Yissah!"

For if he does, I'll have to say 'no, and then he'll go back to New York and sulk, and perhaps never come near me again, since he's so obstinate, while I want to stay friends." Many such campaigns have been planned by the party of the first part. But the trouble is that, usually, the party of the second part also has a plan, which entirely disconcerts the first. As the darkey remarked: "Yissah.

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