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The darky protested, saying that the "gentmun was all away, and only de miss inside." The row brought Miss Cullen to the door, and I heard her ask what was the matter. "Sorry to trouble yer, miss," said the sheriff, "but a prisoner has broken jail, and we've got to look for him." "Escaped!" cried Madge, joyfully. "How?" "That's just what gits away with me," marvelled the sheriff. "My idee is "

Madame Tallafferr, in the glory of black silk, the Pinckney lace, the Pemberton diamond, and accompanied by that fat relic of slavery, Black Sally, had been taking the air genteelly on a bench when the disturbance grated upon her sensitive ear. "What is that rabble about, Sally?" she inquired. The aged negress reconnoitered. "Reckon dey's ridin' a gentmun on a rail," she reported.

"Jenifer always makes the portions according to what is to follow, and I don't believe he'll think you had better. Jenifer, can Mr. D'Alloi have some more stuffing?" "Yissah," said Jenifer, grinning the true darkey grin, "if de gentmun want't sell his ap'tite foh a mess ob potash." "Never mind," said Watts. "I'm not a dyspeptic, and so don't need potash.

The darky protested, saying that the "gentmun was all away, and only de miss inside." The row brought Miss Cullen to the door, and I heard her ask what was the matter. "Sorry to trouble yer, miss," said the sheriff, "but a prisoner has broken jail, and we've got to look for him." "Escaped!" cried Madge, joyfully. "How?" "That's just what gits away with me," marvelled the sheriff. "My idee is "