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The Queen returned to Windsor on the 19th, and wrote on the 26th of December to thank her people for their sympathy. On the 8th of February, 1872, the Governor-General of India, Lord Mayo, was assassinated. The 27th was the Thanksgiving Day for the Prince of Wales's recovery.

And I, looking at that splendid head, those wonderful hands, the whole strange beauty of him, thought, "Ah, you little know!" The brilliant story of the Bancroft management of the old Prince of Wales's Theater was more familiar twenty years back than it is now.

The north-east entrance of the strait lies in the latitude of 10 39' south, and in the longitude of 218 36' west; and the passage is formed by the main land, and by a congeries of islands, the north-west, called by the lieutenant the Prince of Wales's Islands, and which may probably extend as far as to New Guinea.

These are copied neatly in one of his note-books, along with various amusing "Anectods," a description of a London fog, "thick enough to be spread on bread," and an excellent receipt for making the Prince of Wales's punch. Mozart was another musical genius who was forced to accept as second choice the sister of his first love, though in his case the results were not so disastrous as with Haydn.

There is something to be said for it all, though I should not like to play the part that way myself. Lady Pollock, who first brought me to Henry Irving's notice as a possible leading lady, thought my Portia better at the Lyceum than it had been at the Prince of Wales's.

To the present chief, Major Henderson, whose face we see in all the photographs of the Prince of Wales's party, we are deeply indebted for Indian items. This department has almost succeeded in stamping out the Thugs, and it is very seldom that murders are now committed by these religious fanatics.

"Her method of making a fire was equally singular and curious, having no other materials for that purpose than two hard sulphurous stones. Hearne regained Prince of Wales's Fort on Hudson Bay in June, 1772.

Once in front of one of these, the courtier who isn't a Scotchman feels as if he would never care to go away. Fortunately, most of these ceremonials are in summer, but the first of them come in February, and London is often cool well up into June. The ceremony of a presentation to the queen is quite the same as that at a prince of Wales's levee.

Such honorable conduct from the governor of a foreign country, and with which we were at war, cannot be too widely promulgated. From Amboyna, Mr. Robson embarked in the Pallas a Dutch frigate, for Batavia, which on the passage thither was captured by his Majesty's ships Greyhound and Harriet, and brought to Prince of Wales's island.

I had learned breadth in Shakespeare at the Princess's, and had had to employ it again in romantic plays for Charles Reade. The pit and gallery were the audience which we had to reach. At the Prince of Wales's I had to adopt a more delicate, more subtle, more intimate style. But the breadth had to be there just the same as seen through the wrong end of the microscope.