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Updated: August 14, 2024

The son of Hidimva, seeing his illusion dispelled, once more made himself invisible, saying unto Karna, the son of Vikartana, "I will presently compass thy destruction."" Accompanied by a large force, he approached Duryodhana. He had waited for a long time, brooding over his old quarrel.

Engaged in battle, a warrior may have either victory or death. Fight ye with faces turned towards every direction. Behold now the high-souled Karna, the son of Vikartana, that great bowman of mighty strength, careering in battle, using his celestial weapons!

Amongst all my royal warriors, let this be thy share in battle, allotted by me, with thy permission, O hero, displaying thy prowess, slay thou this Rakshasa. O crusher of foes, see that this wretch viz., Ghatotkacha, may not, relying on his powers of illusion, slay Karna, the son of Vikartana, before thou finishest him."

The latter piercing Abhimanyu with three arrows, said unto Duryodhana, "Let us all together grind this one, else, fighting singly with us he will slay us all. O king, think of the means of slaying this one, taking counsel with Drona and Kripa and others." Then Karna, the son of Vikartana, said unto Drona, "Abhimanyu grindeth us all. Tell us the means by which we may slay him."

The son of Vikartana, O king, excited with rage and putting forth his prowess, pierced that chastiser of foes, viz., the angry Bhima of great prowess with thirty shafts. Indeed, O chief of Bharata's race, Vikartana's son struck Bhima with many arrows of keen points, decked with gold, and endued with great impetuosity.

This king is difficult of being vanquished in battle and is capable of grinding all foes. He is regarded as the first of all Drona's disciples in lightness of hand. I shall, in battle, show him my superior swiftness in archery. There, that warrior whose flag beareth the device of a stout chord for binding elephants, is Karna, the son of Vikartana, already known to thee.

Karna, however, O king, shot showers of fierce shafts in return, O Bharata. Then Vrikodara cut off, with many broad-headed arrows, those shafts resembling thunderbolts, shot by that ornament of battle, before they could come at him. That chastiser of foes, viz., Karna, the son of Vikartana, once more, O Bharata, covered Bhimasena with his arrowy showers.

Duryodhana with his sons and his ninety-nine brothers, as also the rulers of the east and the south, have been assigned to Bhimasena as his share. Karna, the son of Vikartana, and Jayadratha the king of the Sindhus, have been assigned to Arjuna as his share.

The Pandavas, O Krishna, with thyself, are surely unslayable, since they and thou have escaped from Drona, from Bhishma, from Karna the son of Vikartana, from Kripa, from Duryodhana, from the son of Drona, from the mighty car-warrior Jayadratha, from Somadatta, from Vikarna, and from the brave Kritavarma. Behold the reverses brought about by Time!

"Yudhishthira said, 'There where Bhishma and Drona and Drona's son and the son of Vikartana and Kripa and king Duryodhana and other royal and mighty car-warriors are assembled or there where Indra himself is surrounded by the Maruts, what other person than Vrihannala can fight, encountering them all! None hath been, none will be, his equal in strength of arms!

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