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Updated: August 29, 2024

She was a Genoese, and proud as the snow. Why did Giuliano love her? Did he love her, indeed? He was bewitched then, for she was cold, and a brazen creature in spite of it. How dare she bare her neck so! Oh! 'twas Genoese. "Uomini senza fede e donne senza vergogna," they quoted as they ran.

Grato m’è ’l sonno e più l’esser di sasso; Mentre che ’l danno e la vergogna dura Non veder, non sentir m’è gran ventura; Però non mi destar; deh! parla basso! Dear is my sleep, more dear to be but stone; Whilst deep despair and dark dishonour reign Not to hear, not to feel is greatest gain; Then wake me not; speak in an undertone.

'Sempre a quel ver ch'ha faccia di menzogna Dee l'uom chiuder le labbra quanto ei puote; Però che senza colpa fa vergogna. BOSWELL. It is strange that Boswell should not have discovered that these lines were from Dante. The following is Wright's translation: 'That truth which bears the semblance of a lie, Should never pass the lips, if possible; Tho' crime be absent, still disgrace is nigh.

"In sul paese chadice e po riga solea valore e cortesia trovar si prima che federigo Bavessi briga, or puo sicuramente indi passarsi per qualuuche lasciassi per vergogna di ragionar co buoni, e appressarsi." PURO., Cant. 16. The "Paese che Adice e Po riga" is of course Lombardy; and might have been enough distinguished by the name of its principal river.

'Quando vivea più glorioso, disse, Liberamente nel campo di Siena, Ogni vergogna deposta, s'affisse. "When at his glory's topmost height," said he, "Respect of dignity all cast aside, Freely he fix'd him on Sienna's plain." CARY. Dante, Purgatory. Cant. xi. l. 133. 'How instinct varies in the grovelling swine, Compared, half-reasoning elephant, with thine. Pope, Essay on Man, i. 221.

Ah! good heavens! what can I say to you while La vergogna dura and while there is no means of removing that vergogna? Your July 28th, 1854. Did you really think for a moment that I had conceived the idea of giving concerts in order to make propaganda for myself, or to make music, or what not?

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