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"'And then my bad days will begin, said Taku-Wakin, 'for he hates me for my father's sake, and also a little for yours, Old Two-Tails, and he will persuade the Council to give my mother to another man and I shall be made subject to him. Worse, he said, 'the Great Plan of my father will come to nothing.

Nothing to do but rock and swing, Clanking an iron picket ring, Plucking the dust to flirt and fling; Keep et ceteras out of range, Anything out of the way or strange Suits us elephant folk for change Various odds and ends appeal To liven the round of work and meal. Curious trunks can reach and steal! Fool with Two-tails if you dare; Help yourself. But fool, beware!

Now then, some of that fruit." He went gently to the basket, which held a still ample supply. "Might have given old Two-tails some more," he muttered. "This won't do. We shall eat some, but there will be a lot to spare, and if they come and find the basket like this they will grow stingy; and I can use any amount for our friend."

And when the castle was near built, the woman told him the lord was going to play him a trick, and to kill him or shut him up when he had the castle made, the way he would not build one for any-other lord that was as good. And as she said, the lord came and bade the Goban to make a cat and two-tails, for no one could make that but himself, and it was meaning to kill him on it he was.

At that dread sound the rabble of beasts surged forward again upon the barrier, upon the clubs and spears of the defenders. Up over the brow of the slope came a forest of waving trunks, and tossing tusks, and ponderous black foreheads. "The Two-Tails are upon us!" cried Grôm, in a voice of awe. And his followers gasped, as the colossal shapes shouldered up into full view.

He looked about the company for permission to begin, and then addressed himself to Arrumpa. "You spoke, Chief Two-Tails, of the 'tame wolves' of Taku-Wakin; were they wolves, or " "Very like you, Wolfling, now that I think of it," agreed the Mastodon, "and they were not tame exactly; they ran at the heels of the hunters for what they could pick up, and sometimes they drove up game for him."