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Coga was the first person in England to be experimented upon; previous experiments were made by the transfusion of the blood of one dog into another. They purpose to let in about twelve ounces; which, they compute, is what will be let in in a minute's time by a watch.

Thou wert first in my morning eyes; and of nights, hast detained my steps from bedward, till it was but a step from gazing at thee to dreaming on thee. This is the only true gentry by adoption; the veritable change of blood, and not, as empirics have fabled, by transfusion.

Introduction of Fluids into the Circulation. The most valuable measure for maintaining the circulation, however, is by transfusion of blood (Op. Surg., p. 37). If this is not immediately available the introduction of from one to three pints of physiological salt solution (a teaspoonful of common salt to a pint of water) into a vein, or a 6

Their effect may be compared exactly with the effect of rays of light cast upon the image in a camera obscura; and, to see what the effect of such rays would be, we need only consider why it is that the camera is made 'obscura, or dark. The effect of the transfusion of light through a telescopic image may be easily tried by any one who cares to make the experiment.

It has virtually been abandoned.... But experiments in transfusion have not been fruitless; they have culminated in demonstrating the inestimable value of infusions of 'normal, or 'physiological, solutions of sodium chloride, and not only of infusions, but also of peritoneal irrigation with such solutions.

Sin lingers in us, and God hates sin. A transfusion of righteousness therefore becomes vitally necessary. This transfusion of righteousness we obtain from Christ because we believe in Him. Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.

Broadly, they arise from or are connected with the failure on the part of our Government to arrive speedily at a just and permanent peace permitting return to normal conditions, from the transfusion of radical theories from seething European centers pending such delay, from heartless profiteering resulting in the increase of the cost of living, and lastly from the machinations of passionate and malevolent agitators.

From the green turf of her hills and the mossy carpets of her woodlands my languid steps derived new vigor and elasticity. I felt, day by day, the transfusion of her strong life.

The caricaturist is a priceless commentator. If Hogarth indeed indirectly shortened his life by his portrait of Wilkes, he gave, as if by transfusion of blood, an increased and abiding vitality to certain of the most interesting pages of history. Within a few days of Hogarth, Churchill died. His devotion to Wilkes prompted him to join him in his Continental banishment.

I will tell her, and she will believe me, for I am sure she shared that wonderful transfusion of the 'thee into me' which is beyond all explanation, and never felt but with the one soul that is our soul."