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Updated: August 1, 2024

Maury gave them an elaborate "drinking set," which included silver goblets, cocktail shaker, and bottle-openers. The extortion from Dick was more conventional a tea set from Tiffany's. From Joseph Bloeckman came a simple and exquisite travelling clock, with his card.

"Yes, for I asked at Tiffany's here and they said the bag cost about four hundred dollars. When I saw M. Kittredge in Paris I told him he was a foolish boy to have spent all that money, but he was so sweet about it and said he was so glad to give me pleasure that I hadn't the heart to refuse it."

At twelve Perkins turned out the gas. "That settles the lamp question, anyhow," he whispered to himself as he went up-stairs, and then he went into Mrs. Perkins's room. "Well, Bess," he said, "it's all over, and I've made up my mind as to where the lamps are to go." "Good!" said the little woman. "On the gate-posts?" "No, dear. In the parlor the cloisonné lamps from Tiffany's."

If a man rose up with the power to command such a following, with the ability to keep his plans absolutely secret, with the genius to make plans in which there were no flaws, he could loot Maiden Lane, the Sub-Treasury, Tiffany's, the Metropolitan Museum and get away with it." Mr. Lichtenstein's small eyes glittered. He was visibly excited. And so was Mr. Blicker.

She dismissed the smiling Andre, and walked beside Austin in silence for a few minutes hoping that he would explain without being asked again. "Did you say you were going to Tiffany's to buy furniture I thought Tiffany's was a jewelry store, and in the opposite direction?" "It is. I'm going to the Tiffany Studios quite a different place. Austin don't tease me do tell me what you mean?" "Why?

He leaned roguishly over the table, his moist eyes a-twinkle with suppressed mirth; then, bestowing a sprightly glance on Plank, which said very plainly, "I'm up to one of my irrepressible jokes again!" he held up a smooth, white, and over-manicured forefinger: "I was in Tiffany's yesterday," he said, "and I saw a young man in there who didn't see me, and I peeped over his shoulder, and what do you think he was doing?"

"They'd look stunning on our gate-posts." "I don't think I shall have them there," said Thaddeus. "Jiggers has the right idea, seems to me he's put 'em on the newel-posts of his front porch steps." "I don't suppose they'd give us the money and let us buy one handsome cloisonné lamp from Tiffany's, would they?" Mrs. Perkins asked. "A cloisonné lamp on a gate-post?" laughed Perkins.

It was a cheerful, even gay little missive, but she was not for an instant blind to the irony that lay between the lines. Anne selected the pearls that he had chosen in advance of their visit to Tiffany's.

"Hats from Joseph's, gowns from Lucile's, and cracked ice from Tiffany's. But it ain't ladylike to wear it," she concluded with a reproachful glance at her mentor. Mary disregarded the frivolous interruption, and went on speaking to the girl, and now there was something pleasantly cajoling in her manner. "Suppose I should stake you for the present, and put you in with a good crowd.

These tiles and the names cut in the bark of the trees determine absolutely the site of one-half of the camp, but the other half, where stood Tiffany's quick-firing gun and Parker's Gatling, has been almost obliterated.

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