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Now, let's strike a low average and say we play to $800 a night; that's $4,800 a week, and two matinees at, say $200, that's $5,000 on the week, eh, John! That gives us a clean profit of $1,500 apiece for the three of us oh, aces!" "It looks good to me. Bunch," I agreed, and then we went out and ordered some more three-sheets and a flock of snipe.

And there wasn't any chance of findin' the kid to prove if Kelly had it right or not. "But the Prof. he was certainly a great boy for puttin' up three-sheets about his own two kids; anybody that would listen friend or stranger made no difference to him. He starred 'em to anybody, you understan' what corkers they was, and all like that.

Honest, I don't believe your think tank is feeding properly. Why don't you blow in it and clear it out? "Sure, I'll caper out to Yonkers if the rest of the crowd want to. I am just that kind of a fellow. Ain't I, Wilbur, dear? Oh, my, don't for mercy sakes disturb him. He's hunting locations for the Friar three-sheets that Mr. Gillen slipped 'em. He's got Mr.

Already her name had been linked with a co-author on programs and three-sheets, because a collaborator, a professional mender of plays, had been called in at the last moment to riddle the drama's somber story with a few "laughs." A character policeman, a comedy jury foreman, and a subplot of love story between the character policeman and an Irish cook had been "written in."

In real life he's a theatrical manager and his name on the three-sheets is Peter J. Badtime, the Human Salary Spoiler. In theatrical circles they call him the impresario with the sawdust koko and the split-second appetite. Every time Pete poses as an angel for a troupe if you listen hard you can hear the fuse blow out somewhere between Albany and Schenectady.

I don't exaggerate none when I asserts that the moment our village gets its eye on these three-sheets it comes to a dead halt. "'Old Squar' Alexanders is the war chief of the hamlet, an' him an' the two other selectmen c'llects themse'fs over their toddies an' canvasses whether they permits this wizard to give his fiendish exhibitions in our midst.