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'Whose fun'ral ar-re ye goin' to at this hour? 'None but thim I makes mesilf, says he. 'What d'ye mean? says th' ol' man. 'I'm goin' over f'r to stand guard in th' thracks, says th' la-ad. Well, with that th' ol' man leaps up. 'Polisman, he says. 'Polisman, he says. 'Copper, he says. 'Twas on'y be Mrs.

An' thin he's put undher bonds to keep the peace, an' they sind him out west iv th' thracks; an' I move into th' house, an' tear out th' front an' start a faro bank. Some day, whin I get tired or th' Swedes dhrive me out or Schwartzmeister makes his lunch too sthrong f'r competition, I'll go afther Snakes again.

"Luks as if he'd shtruck back tu Cow Run again," he said with conviction. "Must have come from there, tu thracks was goin' and comin' an' ye noticed, fwhin we climbed out av th' coulee back there. We must luk for a harse wid th' nigh-hind badly 'calked. Yorkey! yu' get back an' tell that Lanky Jones feller tu come on. Hitch yez own harses behint our cutter an' take th' lines."

"If a prisoner, he may be able to get away." "Yis, yees are right; some dark night he can give the owld haythen the slip, and make thracks for the river." "And who knows but he has been able to elude them, and is only waiting until dark to hunt us up?" "Yez are right agin; I was about to obsarve the same myself."

We never thought av the thracks, nayther wan nor other av us." As Bill spoke he pointed down towards the beach, in the direction in which he had made his late crawling excursion. There, distinctly traceable in the half-wet sand, were the marks he had made both going and returning, as if a huge tortoise or crocodile had been dragging itself over the ground.

Thin it got hotter an' hotter, an' people begun to complain a little. They was sthrong in thim days, not like th' joods they raise now, an' a little heat more or less didn't kill thim. But afther a while it was more thin most iv thim wanted. The sthreet-car thracks got so soft they spread all over th' sthreet, an' th' river run dhry. Afther boilin' f'r five days like a How are ye, Dempsey?

They had the great big stamer he was in whirlin' round and round and round, the same as if it was a float on one of its own paddlewheels, he couldn't tell how many days and nights. Thracks, how are you. It's a very ready one there is in it to the bottom of the say." "Still a good few people gets through it safe enough," said Theresa, "ay, and comes back through it of an odd while."