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The description of it which HESIOD has given in his Theogony is considered "one of the most sublime passages in classical poetry, conceived with great boldness, and executed with a power and force which show a masterly though rugged genius. It will bear a favorable comparison with Milton's 'Battle of the Angels, in Paradise Lost."

Murray's museum, where lay a shrunken mummy shrouded in gilded byssus, the wish strengthened to understand the symbols in which subtle Egyptian priests masked their theogony. While morning and afternoon hours were given to those branches of study in which Mr. Hammond guided her, she generally spent the evening in Mr.

The worship of nature, which is seen in its beginnings among the Chinese, exhibits itself among the Egyptians in a more developed form as theogony.

The well-known variations of their theogony are not merely similar legends of different localities, they are more frequently the successive improvements of one place.

Thus man and horse, both strong of heart, went onwards, lost to sight like streaming stars, but ere the eastern quarter flashed with light, they had advanced three yoganas. According to the Buddhist theogony he is the god of sensual love. He holds the world in sin. He was the enemy of Buddha, and endeavored in every way to defeat him. This expression is constantly used in Buddhist writings.

Greek Literature and its Divisions. 2. The Language. 3. The Religion. Ante-Homeric Songs and Bards. 2. Poems of Homer; the Iliad; the Odyssey. 3. The Cyclic Poets and the Homeric Hymns. 4. Poems of Hesiod; the Works and Days; the Theogony. 5. Elegy and Epigram; Tyrtaeus; Archilochus; Simonides. 6. Iambic Poetry, the Fable, and Parody; Aesop. 7. Greek Music and Lyric Poetry; Terpander. 8.

Besides these systems, we have, moreover, the poetical theogony of old Hesiod, who generated the whole universe in the regular mode of procreation; and the plausible opinion of others, that the earth was hatched from the great egg of night, which floated in chaos, and was cracked by the horns of the celestial bull.

For a knowledge of their theogony we are indebted to M. Siberg, governor of the Dutch settlements on the coast of Sumatra, by whom the following account was communicated to the late M. Radermacher, a distinguished member of the Batavian Society, and by him published in its Transactions. The inhabitants of this country have many fabulous stories, which shall be briefly mentioned.

Three works have come down to us bearing the name of Hesiod the 'Works and Days, the 'Theogony, and a description of the 'Shield of Hercules. Many ancient critics believed the 'Works and Days' to be the only genuine work of Hesiod, and their opinion has been adopted by most modern scholars.

His theogony included the wife of God, or the celestial Mother, the wife of Jesus, or the celestial daughter-in-law, and a sister of Jesus, whom he married to one of his lieutenants, who thus became the celestial son-in-law; the Holy Ghost, however, was eliminated. His mission was to root out Demons and Manchus from the face of the earth, and to establish Taiping, the reign of eternal peace.