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McAlpin was for moderation and better feeling: "Well," he admitted gravely, "full as quick, I guess." "It seems to me," observed Kate, still resentful, "as if men here are pretty quick yet." "Oh, no," interposed McAlpin at once; "oh, no, not special now'days. More talk'n there used to be heap more." "Bring over my pony, Mr. McAlpin, will you?" asked Kate, very much irritated.

"Yes," shouted Reuben Camp, whose thin face was red with excitement, "that's the word. Have Altruria right here, and right now." The old farmer, who had several times spoken, cackled out: "I didn't know, one while, when you was talk'n' about not havin' no money, but what some on us had had Altrury here for quite a spell, already. I don't pass more'n fifty dolla's through my hands most years."

I'se yeared en my day ob young gyurls mar'ed yere en mar'ed dar en dey aim' sayin' much 'bout who dey mar'y. Folks say dat wuz de way wid ole miss. I reckermember dem days en I year ole mars'r's fader talk'n wid her fader 'bout w'at dey call set'l'ments en po'tions.

They were excited by this, all but the flapper. "I don't blame him," averred the flapper ... "Tagging us! You let him alone! I shall perfectly not worry if he doesn't come home all night. Do you understand? And when he does come " "Not safe," snapped Breede. "King of Egypt, Napoleon ... not after money, just principle of thing. Chap's nutty talk'n' like that!"

And in that of a steamboat captain? "Oh! now yew're talk'n', mister! A right smart business, thet! A boss'n' o' people 'round, a seein' o' th' world, and noth'n' 't all to do! Now, that's right smart, I take it!" It was plain where his heart lay. He saw the steamers pass the farm daily, and once he had watched one unload at Point Pleasant well, that was the life for him!