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A number of interesting experiments were performed by saturating the tabasheer with oils of different refractive powers, and by heating it in various ways and under different conditions, and also by introducing carbonaceous matter into the minute pores of the substance by setting fire to paper in which fragments were wrapped. The mean of experiments undertaken by Mr.

It may be as well, perhaps, to give a short sketch of the information upon the subject which I have up to the present time been able to obtain, and in this way to call attention to points upon which further research seems to be necessary. From time immemorial tabasheer has enjoyed a very high reputation in Eastern countries as a drug.

On these determinations Guibourt founded a theory of the mode of formation of tabasheer based on the suggestion that at certain periods of its growth the bamboo needed less silica than at other times, and that when not needed, the silica was carried inward and deposited in the interior. The specimens examined were obtained from the Bambusa apus, growing in the Residency of Bantam.

Ordinarily, however, it is sought for by splitting open those bamboo stems which give a rattling sound when shaken. Such rattling sounds do not, however, afford infallible criteria as to the presence or absence of tabasheer in a bamboo, for where the quantity is small it is often found to be closely adherent to the bottom and sides of the cavity.

In this same paper it is stated that a bamboo grown in a hot-house at Islington gave a rattling noise, and on being split open by Sir Joseph Banks yielded, not an ordinary tabasheer, but a small pebble about the size of half a pea, externally of a dark brown or black color, and within of a reddish brown tint.

There was a legend, said the tatihi, that the knowledge of this medicine had been gleaned from a dark man who had come on a ship many years before, and with this clue I recognized it as tabasheer, a febrifuge long known in India.

By preparing prisms of different varieties of tabasheer, Brewster proceeded to determine its refractive index, arriving at the remarkable result that tabasheer "has a lower index of refraction than any other known solid or liquid, and that it actually holds an intermediate place between water and gaseous bodies!"

Tabasheer is by no means found in all stems or in all joints of the same stem of the bamboos. Whether certain species produce it in greater abundance than others, and what is the influence of soil, situation, and season upon the production of the substance, are questions which do not seem as yet to have been accurately investigated. Dr.

By splitting up different joints of bamboo Dr. Russell was also able to satisfy himself of the gradual deposition within them of the solid tabasheer by the evaporation of the liquid solvent. In 1791, Mr. These specimens came from Vellore, Hyderabad, Masulipatam, and other localities in India. They were submitted to a number of tests which induced Mr.

Sir David Brewster long ago pointed out the remarkable physical characters presented by the curious product of the vegetable world known as "tabasheer," though so far as I can find out it has not in recent years received that attention from physicists which the experiments and observations of the great Scotch philosopher show it to be worthy of.