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Updated: August 24, 2024

You said, for instance, to-day as we passed our bailiff Philip's cottage it's the one that's so nice and clean well, you said, Russia will come to perfection when the poorest peasant has a house like that, and every one of us ought to work to bring it about.... And I felt such a hatred for this poorest peasant, this Philip or Sidor, for whom I'm to be ready to jump out of my skin, and who won't even thank me for it ... and why should he thank me?

Sasha was not so much absorbed in the interview itself as in its romantic mysteriousness, my kisses, the silence of the gloomy trees, my vows. . . . There was not a minute in which she forgot herself, was overcome, or let the mysterious expression drop from her face, and really if there had been any Ivan Sidoritch or Sidor Ivanitch in my place she would have felt just as happy.

Tell me at once, or I shall flog every one of you!" On investigation, a peasant named Sidor was pointed out as the guilty one, and his face was roundly slapped. Michael also severely punished Vasili, because he had not done sufficient work, after which the master rode safely home. In the evening the serfs again assembled, and poor Vasili said: "Oh, what kind of people ARE we, anyway?

White, low brow, prominent cheek-bones, nose short and straight, handsome mouth and white teeth, soft moustache and curly beard, and those wide-set, not large eyes ... and on the head the cap of hair parted down the middle.... But it is thou, Karp, Sidor, Semyon, peasant of Yaroslav, of Ryazan, my countryman, flesh and blood, Russian! Art thou, too, among the sphinxes?

I got up again. A peasant of about thirty, of huge stature, came in a red-cheeked, vigorous-looking fellow, with brown hair, and a short curly beard. He crossed himself, praying to the holy image, bowed to the head-clerk, held his hat before him in both hands, and stood erect. 'Good day, Sidor, said the fat man, tapping with the reckoning beads. 'Good-day to you, Nikolai Eremyitch.

The fat man went up to the table, sat down, opened a book, took out a reckoning frame, and began shifting the beads to and fro as he counted, using not the forefinger but the third finger of his right hand, which has a much more showy effect. The clerk on duty came in. 'What is it? 'Sidor is here from Goloplek. 'Oh! ask him in.

Money, with co- existent violence in the community, only represents the possibility of a new form of impersonal slavery, which has taken the place of personal slavery. The slave-owner has a right to the labor of Piotr, Ivan, and Sidor. But the owner of money, in a place where money is demanded from all, has a right to the toil of all those nameless people who are in need of money.

Wait a bit, wait a bit.... First go and look whether the strange gentleman's still asleep, or whether he has waked up. The clerk on duty came cautiously into my room. I laid my head on my game-bag, which served me as a pillow, and closed my eyes. 'He's asleep, whispered the clerk on duty, returning to the counting- house. The fat man muttered something. 'Well, send Sidor in, he said at last.

Yes, I recognise those features ... there is nothing Egyptian about the low white forehead, the prominent cheek-bones, the short, straight nose, the fine mouth with its white teeth, the soft moustache and curling beard, and those small eyes set far apart ... and on the head the cap of hair furrowed with a parting.... Why, it is thou, Karp, Sídor, Semyón, thou petty peasant of Yaroslávl, or of Ryazán, my fellow-countryman, the kernel of Russia!

"I will not. You fellows have got to be punished for such tricks. Of course, you did it yourself you and some of your rascally friends." "Give me the money. What right have you " "Sidor! Call a policeman," said the barman to the waiter. Ivan Mironov was rather drunk, and in that condition was hard to manage. He seized the manager by the collar and began to shout. "Give me back my money, I say.

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