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"I am afraid," replied Cameron, "the fault is more mine than the system's." "Don't know about that! Don't know about that!" replied Mr. Denman quickly; "I have had scores of young men, fine young men, too, come to me; public school men, university men, but quite unfit for any practical line of work." Mr. Denman considered for some moments. "Let us see. You have done some work in a law office.

"Many a system's gone down before; it will happen again." "They're fighting the Garde Republicaine now before the Gare de l'Est," said the Chink in an expressionless voice. "What do you want down here? You'd better stay in the back. You never know what the police may put over on us." "Give us two bottles of vin blank, Chink," said Chrisfield. "When'll you pay?" "Right now.

The "System's" cohorts were in absolute control, with Barry Conant never a minute away from the Sugar-pole, always on the alert to steer the course of prices when they threatened to run away on the up or the down side. It was evident to the expert readers of the tape that the "System" was currying its steed for an exceptionally brilliant run.

She would give Kaufman and Thompson time for she grinned to herself a honeymoon. While they were indulging in each other, she would name the Kindred Kins and Bloodmates alike as the System's local nobility. And then she would designate the pair of them as Liaison.

Do you call that a rational system?" said the landowner, obviously rather proud of the word "rational." "My system's very simple," said Mihail Petrovitch, "thank God. All my management rests on getting the money ready for the autumn taxes, and the peasants come to me, 'Father, master, help us! Well, the peasants are all one's neighbors; one feels for them.

And while it is, it is absurd to expect a few platitudes about Freedom, and snobbishness, and a few pious hopes about efficiency, to counteract the system's universal, incessant teaching, its lesson of limited effort within defined possibilities.

Oh, I'm not saying I don't need the rehearsals! But I don't need them strung out through a week. That system's well enough for phlegmatic singers; it only drains me. Every single feature of operatic routine is detrimental to me. I usually go on like a horse that's been fixed to lose a race. I have to work hard to do my worst, let alone my best.

You must know that my power is greater than the 'System's, and you and I and 'the Street' have always known that the 'System' is more powerful than the Government, more powerful than are the courts, legislatures, Congress, and the President of the United States combined, that it absolutely controls the foundation on which they rest the money of the nation.

Out of a hundred and eighty prisoners there would be a few succumb in one way or another under the system, but on the whole the system worked well. Jugger system's wheels were well greased, and so long as they were well greased it did not matter their crushing one or two. Besides the crushed were only prisoners the refuse of society. They reported the governor, Mr.

At the height of the plantation system's career, from 1815 to 1860, indigo production was a thing of the past; hemp was of negligible importance; tobacco was losing in the east what it gained in the west; rice and sea-island cotton were stationary; but sugar was growing in local intensity, and upland cotton was "king" of a rapidly expanding realm.