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Updated: August 22, 2024

"Well, I guess I'm suspectin' that you're tryin' to make a fool of me, all right." "Oh no! Fools come ready-made, and there's a glut in the market just now; seven eight nine ten; no use makin' more until the supply's exhausted. But what made you think you wanted to marry? This is so powerful sudden."

The surf ran so high on the 5th, that no boats could land: at two o'clock the Supply parted her cable, and stood off and on during the night. The Supply's boats were employed during the 6th, in sweeping for her anchor, as no landing could be attempted; but the surf abating on the 7th, we received every article on shore that was intended for the settlement.

Down in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania...." "Well, how about the horse?" I said hastily, seeing him about to embark on an anecdote. It wasn't far short of eleven o'clock, and I was anxious to get started. "It might be well to take along some oats. My supply's about exhausted." I filled a sack with oats in the stable and Mr. Mifflin showed me where to hang it under the van.

"Have I seen the advertisements?" he cried, echoing his editor's first question. "I've seen nothing else." "There!" said Mr. Petheram proudly. "It can't go on." "Yes, it can. Don't you worry. I know they're arrested as fast as we send them out, but, bless you, the supply's endless.

On the 8th we had strong gales of wind and cloudy weather: at nine in the morning, we hoisted the colours in a west, as a signal that the Supply's boat might land; and at eleven, we received the last of our baggage, provisions, and stores, and hauled the boat up.

"It has struck me that pulping spruce paper spruce is likely to be scarce presently. The supply's not unlimited and the world's consumption is going up by jumps." "There's a good deal of timber you could use for pulp, in British Columbia alone," Vane interposed. "Sure.

Donovan, a serjeant, a corporal, and five private marines, two gardeners, who were seamen belonging to the Sirius, and twenty-one men and eleven women convicts; also the Supply's jolly-boat and boat's crew, to assist in unloading the Golden-Grove. In the course of the 15th, we received on shore the party of marines and all the convicts; also most of the stores, and some provisions.

With a window open and scratch-pad handy, the keen-eared scribe at his desk in our offices can hardly fail to pick up every scrap of town information between sunrise and dusk.... Of course, in winter the supply's not so good. Winter before last we all suffered with colds acquired through keeping the windows open; and last winter our circulation fell off surprisingly through keeping them closed.

The north-east coast of this island Lieutenant Ball named "-Ball's Maiden Land;" and the passage between Sirius and Queen Charlotte's Islands, "-Supply's Passage." At day-light in the morning of the 9th, land was seen, bearing from south to west, eleven leagues distant; it was very high, and there appeared to be a number of openings in it.

At ten in the morning of the 31st, the Supply's boat landed with some light articles; Lieutenant Ball sent a carpenter in her to offer his assistance in building a convenient boat for the use of the settlement: I directed him to begin his work immediately, and set the sawyers to work in sawing plank for his use.

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