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Updated: August 13, 2024

Hillo, what is that? A gun from the lugger, by the hookey! They have made us out, and don't like the look of us, apparently, so they have fired a gun to wake up the people aboard the prize. Ha! now they have seen us aboard the big ship too, and are taking in their stunsails, to haul to the wind, I suppose.

During my visit to the doctor's den, sail had been shortened on board the "Scourge," down to the topsails jib, and driver; the stunsails being stowed and the booms run in; while the courses, topgallant sails, and royals were merely clewed up.

"But make the most of it make the most of it. Get the foretopmast stunsail run up. If she creeps but a league, it is a league to the good." The sail was sleepily set. Humbugging about with stunsails to the cat's-paws little pleased the men, especially at night.

"Stunsails and tops!" cried Willis, "if I do not see something stranger than that staring us in the face." "The sea-serpent, perhaps," said Jack. "I thought it was a sea-bird at first," said Willis, "but they do not increase in size the longer you look at them." "They naturally appear to increase as they approach," observed Fritz.

Arthur's place was in the mizzen, Jim's in the main, and Jack's in the fore-top. The stunsails were first got in, then the royals and topgallant-sails. The men were working well, but the captain's voice came up loud from the quarter-deck, "Work steady, lads, but work all you can! Every minute is of consequence!" Jack looked round the horizon, but could see nothing to account for this urgency.

Sailors that crash on with all sails set stunsails and all whilst the barometer is rapidly falling, and boding clouds are on the horizon, and the line of the approaching gale is ruffling the sea yonder, have themselves to blame if they founder.

"Not the same instant; not the same no, the doubloon is mine, Fate reserved the doubloon for me. I only; none of ye could have raised the White Whale first. There she blows! there she blows! there she blows! There again! there again!" he cried, in long-drawn, lingering, methodic tones, attuned to the gradual prolongings of the whale's visible jets. "He's going to sound! In stunsails!

"Then it is not true, after all," he gasped; and George noticed with consternation the difficulty with which the poor fellow articulated, "it is not true; it was only a dream." "What was a dream, Tom?" asked George, and he started at the hollow sepulchral tones of his own voice. "I dreamt that a noble ship had hove in sight and was bearing down upon us under stunsails.

"Come, come, Harry," cried the young poet, seeing the sailor hesitate; "let's have her from skysail-mast fid to keel from starboard to larboard stunsails from the tip of the flying, jib-boom to the taffrail."

"Not the same instant; not the same no, the doubloon is mine, Fate reserved the doubloon for me. I only; none of ye could have raised the White Whale first. There she blows! there she blows! there she blows! There again there again!" he cried, in long-drawn, lingering, methodic tones, attuned to the gradual prolongings of the whale's visible jets. "He's going to sound! In stunsails!

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