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Updated: August 12, 2024

Burr she'll paw out the tea with only one lump of shoogy, and me and dolly shall cally it acrost wivout a jop spilt, and me and dolly shall stand it down on the little mognytoyble, and Mrs. Spicture she'll set in her chair wiv scushions, and dolly hand her up the stoast." "Let me kitch her at it!" said Dave, with offensive male assumption. "Oy shall see to Mrs.

Spicture shall set in her chair wiv scushions, and me and dolly shall tite her her tea." Dave sat on the floor fixing two intelligent blue eyes on dolly junior's unintelligent violet ones, and holding his toes. "Dorly carn't!" said he contemptuously. "Her legs gives. Besides, she's no inside, only brand." This was a new dolly, who had replaced Struvvel Peter, who perished in the accident.

Spicture comes back" thus Dolly "she shall set in her own chair wiv scushions, and she shall set in her own chair wiv a 'igh hup bact, and she shall set in her own chair wiv...." Here came a pause, due to inanition of distinctive features. Dolly's style was disfigured by vain repetitions, beyond a doubt. "When old Mrs.

Dave thrust himself forward as an interpreter of Dolly's secret wishes, saying, to the astonishment of his aunt and uncle: "Dorly wants to take her upstairs to show her where the tea's to be set out when Mrs. Spicture comes back." Remonstrance was absolutely necessary, but what form could it take?

Spicture vis time, and set in the chair wiv scushions. And Pussy to be ve uvvers. And Gweng to paw out all veir teas. Only vey take veir sugar veirselves." Dolly may have had it in view to reduce Dave to impotence by assigning to him the position of a guest. His manhood revolted against a subordinate part.

Gweng to paw out the tea, only to wait faw the hot water! Ven I shall go in the chair with scushions, and be Mrs. Spicture. And ven you to leave hold of Pussy, and be Gwanny Mawwowbone on the sofa." The supernumeraries were intransigeant and troublesome; that is to say, their representative the Cat was.

Spicture, and when she comes she'll say I was Mrs. Spicture. She'll set in her chair wiv scushions, and say I was Mrs. Spicture." The two listeners without did not wait to hear Dave's indignant rejoinder. They could not bear the tranquil ignorance of the children, and their unconsciousness of the black cloud closing in on them.

She is going' he's put a W in the middle of going 'to see Mrs. I know this word is Mrs., but he's put the S in the middle and the R at the end 'to see Mrs. Spicture tookted away by Dolly's lady to Towel. That wants a little thinking out." Gwen stopped to think it over, and wondrous lovely she looked, thinking.

He took and read to himself. "I see," said he. "The cross stood for Dolly's love. A mere proxy. But he sends the real article. I like the 'homliburst, too. Why did Dolly's lady want to towel Mrs. Spicture?... Oh, I see, it's the name of our house ... h'm h'm h'm!... Now where do we come to Muggeridge?... Oh, here we are! I've got it. Well that's plain enough. Muggeridge.

Spicture comes back" thus Dave, accepting the offered formula, somewhat in the spirit of the true ballad writer "she's a-going to set in her own chair with cushions, just here!" He sat down with violence on a spot immediately below the proposed centre of gravity of the chair. "And then oy shall bring her her tea." "No, you s'arn't! Mrs.

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