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If, tracing back the evolution of things, he allows himself to entertain the hypothesis that all matter once existed in a diffused form, he finds it utterly impossible to conceive how this came to be so; and equally, if he speculates on the future, he can assign no limit to the grand succession of phenomena ever unfolding themselves before him.

Or had any more produced over his name?" asked Larcher. "No. He put the greater part of his profits into theatrical management. He multiplied his investment. Then he 'branched out; tried Wall Street and the race-tracks; went into real estate. He speculates now in many things. I don't know how rich he is.

Upon this basis philosophy speculates, ever looking towards the poet, ever regarding the eternal tendencies of all toward happiness, never inconsistent with what is clear to the senses and to the soul. For the eternal tendencies of all toward happiness make the only point of sane philosophy.

"No wonder you have so little of it, poor dear child," said Charles; "no bank could stand such a run." "No such thing," said Mary; "it flows into her bank ten times as fast as it comes out. She has plenty of it from us; and what she does with it no one can make out; she either hoards or she speculates." "'Like the great ocean," said Charles, "'which receives the rivers, yet is not full."

The man who speculates blindfold, is a fowl who walks into market to be plucked. Between being plucked, and having pluck, you'll see a distinction when you know the language better; but you must make use of your head, or the chances are you won't be much of a difference, eh? I'll think over your scheme. I'm not a man to hesitate, if the calculations are sound. I'll look at the papers here."

Here fortunes are won and lost in a night. For, as has been sung, "Dice will run the contrary way, As well is known to all who play, And cards will conspire as in treason." Then we have the speculator in commerce. He is the denizen of the Board of Trade hall. He speculates on the prices of next week's, of next month's meat and breadstuffs.

The more gradually we conceive such changes to take place, the more comprehensible they become in the eyes of the chemist and natural philosopher who speculates on the changes of the earth's interior; and the more fertile are they in the hands of the geologist in accounting for revolutions on the habitable surface.

And in one most remarkable passage of the English Chronicle, the writer for once speculates as to what might have happened but did not. Had William lived two years longer, he would have won Ireland by his wisdom without weapons. And if William had won Ireland either by wisdom or by weapons, he would assuredly have known better how to deal with it than most of those who have come after him.

As concerning Visions which Holy Men of God have often seen, it is reason they should be reckoned among those things which are not Natural; for whatsoever man speculates and comprehends by the Mind, is Supernatural; on the contrary, whatsoever he can take, see, and hold is Natural.

George is to meet me in London on the fifth of April, at the latest, he says, unless winds and waves are more contrary than ever they've been since he's had to do with them; and you know George is my banker. I'm only a sleeping partner in the firm of Jernam Brothers. George takes the money, and George does what he likes with it puts it here and there, and speculates in this and speculates in that.