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We killed six of theirs and probably wounded others, as they got out of control. Also our rifles took toll of any bold man who showed his head from behind his rock. We heard the angry shouting and maledictions of Red soldiers who shot up our position more and more animatedly. Suddenly I saw our Soyot kick up three of the horses and spring into the saddle of one with the others in leash behind.

I cannot bear it, I cannot!" She very capriciously stamped her foot and, coquettishly smiling at me, asked: "Do you want to cure me? Yes?" The character and manners of lovely woman are the same everywhere: on bright Broadway, along the stately Thames, on the vivacious boulevards of gay Paris and in the silk-draped yurta of the Soyot Princess behind the larch covered Tannu Ola.

The Soyot began to tremble with fright. "Noyon has already passed these mountains of Darkhat Ola?" he asked in amazement. "No," I answered, "but last night I had a vision and I know that we shall fortunately win over this ridge." "I will guide you!" exclaimed the Soyot, and, whipping his horse, led the way up the steep slope to the top of the ridge of eternal snows.

"After all, Soyots are not a too peaceful people," I remarked, approaching the Governor. He looked at me very sharply and replied: "It was not Soyots who did the killing." He was right. It was the Abakan Tartars in Soyot clothes who killed the Bolsheviki. These Tartars were running their herds of cattle and horses down out of Russia through Urianhai to Mongolia.

They informed us that the Prince of Soldjak did not allow anyone to pass this way, as he feared the coming of murderers and robbers into his dominions. "Go back to the place from which you came," they advised us with fear in their eyes. I did not answer but I stopped the beginnings of a quarrel between an old Soyot and one of my officers.

They proceeded but were informed by some Soyot hunters that this part of the Tannu Ola was occupied by the Partisans from the village of Vladimirovka. Consequently they were forced to return. We inquired from them the whereabouts of these outposts and how many Partisans were holding the mountain pass over into Mongolia.

Passing Soyots and Mongols pay tribute to the spirits by hanging on the branches of the trees in the obo hatyk, long streamers of blue silk, shreds torn from the lining of their coats or simply tufts of hair cut from their horses' manes; or by placing on the stones lumps of meat or cups of tea and salt. "Look at it," said the Soyot. "The hatyks are torn off.

Somewhere in the vicinity of Hargana they were ambushed by Tushegoun Lama and so treated that never again will the plains of Chahar welcome the return of these warrior sons who were sent out to conquer the Soyot descendants of the ancient Tuba. The day the column left Uliassutai a heavy snow fell, so that the road became impassable. The horses first were up to their knees, tired out and stopped.

Late in the night the officer arrived with his other seven men. As he received the report about the Soyot, he knitted his brows and said: "It's a bad mess. We must travel through the swamp where a Soyot will be behind every mound watching us." He seemed really very anxious and his trouble fortunately prevented him from paying much attention to us.

In the morning we moved off under the guidance of the old Soyot along the trail that followed the valley of the Oyna, free from both mountains and swamps. But we knew that the mounts of my friend and myself, together with three others, were too worn down to make Kosogol and determined to try to buy others in Soldjak.