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Brent, I do not confess it. The brutality you speak of was all on the side of Jonas." "No doubt," retorted Mrs. Brent, with sarcasm. "It's the case of the wolf and the lamb over again." "I don't think Jonas has represented the matter to you as it happened," said Phil. "Did he tell you that he flung a snow-ball at my head as hard as a lump of ice?"

Both sides were to abstain from putting pebbles into their snow-balls, nor was it permissible to use frozen ammunition. A snow-ball soaked in water and left out to cool was a projectile which in previous years had been resorted to with disastrous results. These preliminaries settled, the commanders retired to their respective corps.

What is here of importance and is retained in the mind, what passes by imperceptible stages from the games of a child to those of a man, is the mental diagram, the skeleton outline of the combination, or, if you like, the abstract formula of which these games are particular illustrations. Take, for instance, the rolling snow-ball, which increases in size as it moves along.

The army readily responded to such hopeful words, and as Bonaparte manifested quite as much willingness to walk as the meanest soldier, disdaining to ride, except occasionally, and even then on the back of a mule, he became their idol. "He does not spare himself any more than he does us," said one of his soldiers, "and he can pack a snow-ball with the best of us."

I expected him here." "Oh, he is in a tantrum to-night, and would not come. That piece of his at Beaumanoir is a thorn in his flesh, and a snow-ball on his spirits. She is taming him. By St. Cocufin! Bigot loves that woman!" "I told you that before, Cadet. I saw it a month ago, and was sure of it on that night when he would not bring her up to show her to us."

THE SNOW-BALL. The farther we proceed in this investigation into the methods of comedy, the more clearly we see the part played by childhood's memories. These memories refer, perhaps, less to any special game than to the mechanical device of which that game is a particular instance.

"Ted and Evelyn Smiley and Allee and me and some others had a snow-ball battle." "That is expressly forbidden by the school board " began the gentle little grandmother reprovingly. "Oh, we didn't battle with the school board, grandma! We waited until we reached Evelyn's house and had it in their back yard. The snow is just right for dandy balls." "I should think as much. Come here!"

"Give me no Buts; neither But nor If pass between monk and Abbot, Father Philip; the bands of discipline must not be relaxed heresy gathers force like a snow-ball the multitude expect confessions and preachings from the Benedictine, as they would from so many beggarly friars and we may not desert the vineyard, though the toil be grievous unto us."

Her small gray house was lovingly empaled about the front and sides by snow-ball bushes and magenta French-lilacs, that grew tenderly close to the weather-worn shingles, and back of one sunburnt field, as far as the eye could see, stretched the expanse of dark, shining scrub-oaks, beyond which, one knew, was the hot, blue glitter of the Sound. Mrs.

This river-view you could have had, if the window had not been boarded up, but there was a front window, whose big square shutter was generally open. This gave a boy a view of the lane and, if maliciously disposed, a chance to safely let drive an apple or a snow-ball at any "down-townie" that might rashly invade the neighborhood.