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Thare was Mis Square Baxter and her three grown-up darters, lawyer Perkinses wife, Taberthy Ripley, young Eben Parsuns, Deakun Simmuns folks, the Skoolmaster, Doctor Jordin, etsetterry, etsetterry. Mis Ward was in the west room, which jines the kitchen.

'Lovey, my dear, whispered Dennis, drawing his chair close to hers. 'When was your young man here last, eh? 'MY young man, good gentleman! answered Miggs in a tone of exquisite distress. 'Ah! Simmuns, you know him? said Dennis. 'Mine indeed! cried Miggs, with a burst of bitterness and as she said it, she glanced towards Dolly. 'MINE, good gentleman!

'My angel Simmuns! murmured Miggs 'he promised 'Promised! Well, and I'll keep my promise, answered Simon, testily. 'I mean to provide for you, don't I? Stand up! 'Where am I to go? What is to become of me after my actions of this night! cried Miggs. 'What resting-places now remains but in the silent tombses!

But at this point, Mr Dennis looked so very full of meaning, and gave such a singularly expressive twitch to his face as a request to her to come still nearer to him, that she abandoned these little arts, and gave him her whole and undivided attention. 'When was Simmuns here, I say? quoth Dennis, in her ear. 'Not since yesterday morning; and then only for a few minutes.

But Miss Miggs, who was particularly tender of her reputation, immediately fell upon her knees and began to scream very loud, crying, 'What will become of me! 'Where is my Simmuns! 'Have mercy, good gentlemen, on my sex's weaknesses! with other doleful lamentations of that nature, which she delivered with great propriety and decorum.