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And so it came about that in the enforced loneliness of her childhood she ransacked a library in which the "Picara Justina" of Fray Andrs Perez stood side-by-side with the Kalevala, a library in which works stupid as the Koran and dead as Coptic touched covers with the "Idyls of the King" and the fabliaux of mediæval France.

That you trimmed his hat with colored maple leaves at recess, and always chose him as your partner in games; that he wrote you notes in school, when Miss Hillary was answering her Wednesday letter, and you wrote back; and, above all, that the other girls wrote your name and his side-by-side on a slate, struck out all the common letters, and over the remainder chanted, "Friendship, Love, Hatred, Marriage."

The side-by-side plan is seen in that disposition of the neurons which enables them to form the nerves and the ganglia, as well as the brain and spinal cord. The end-to-end connections are necessary to the work which the neurons do.

José and Manuel speedily appeared, galloping side-by-side through the lush yellow and green. José's manner was irreproachable, his speech carefully considered. If his eyes lacked their usual warm glow of friendliness, it was because he could not bring that look at will to beam upon the guest whom his heart failed to welcome.

The neurons form the different divisions of the nervous system, and also serve as the active agents in carrying on its work. Through a side-by-side method of joining they form the nerves, ganglia, spinal cord, and brain; and by a method of end-to-end joining they connect places remote from each other, and provide for nervous movements through the body.

Most of our old acquaintances, however, still remain on the spot, this pleasant afternoon in June, 183-. There stands Mr. Joseph Hubbard, talking to Judge Bernard. That is Dr. Van Horne, driving off in his professional sulkey. There are Mrs. Tibbs and Mrs. Bibbs, side-by-side, as of old. Mrs.

An odd spectacle to be traversing a country road: an English prince and an Indian chief, riding amicably side-by-side, enjoying a banquet of grapes like two schoolboys. On reaching the church, Arthur leapt lightly to the green sward. For a moment he stood, rigid, gazing before him at his future brother-chiefs.

They were types in embryo, but of course they did not know it. No more would a grain of wheat and a poppy seed dropping side-by-side in a fallow place reflect upon their destinies, though one might typify a working world's dependence for bread; the other a dreaming world's reliance for opium.

*Arrangements of the Neurons.*—Nowhere in the body do the neurons exist singly, but they are everywhere connected with each other to form the different structures observed in the nerve skeleton. Two general plans of connection are to be observed, known as the anatomical and the physiological, or, more simply speaking, as the "side-by-side" and "end-to-end" plans.

*Side-by-side Connections.*—On separating the ganglia and nerves into their finest divisions, it is found that the nerves consist of axons, while the ganglia are made up mainly of cell-bodies and dendrites. But the axons, in order to connect with the cell-bodies, must terminate within the ganglion, so that they too form a part of it.