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Updated: August 12, 2024

Both are good for food; so, whether you live beside the water or in the upland, you may find plenty to eat." He looked about and thought there was nothing on the land as lively as the fish in the water, so he made the shrew-mice, for he said, "They will skip about and enliven the ground and prevent it from looking dead and barren, even if they are not good for food."

Shells, difference in form of, in male and female Gasteropoda; beautiful colours and shapes of. Shield-drake, pairing with a common duck; New Zealand, sexes and young of. Shooter, J., on the Kaffirs; on the marriage-customs of the Kaffirs. Shrew-mice, odour of. Shrike, Drongo. Shrikes, characters of young. Shuckard, W.E., on sexual differences in the wings of Hymenoptera.

In India, the shrew-mice attain to the size of ordinary rats, and are there also called musk-rats, from the fact that a strong odour of musk is exhaled by them so strong as to make the place through which the animal passes exceedingly disagreeable.

The good man calling to mind old stories, had no confidence in any race, and if it had been permissible would have implored the Creator for a new one, but not daring to trouble Him about such trifles, did not know whom to choose, and was thinking that his wealth would be a great trouble to him, when he met in his path a pretty little shrew-mouse of the noble race of shrew-mice, who bear all gules on an azure ground.

When, after many wrigglings, smacks in the face, nose lickings, gallantries of amorous shrew-mice, frowns, sighs, serenades, titbits, suppers and dinners on the pile of corn, and other attentions, the superintendent overcame the scruples of his beautiful mistress, he became the slave of this incestuous and illicit love, and the mouse, leading her lord by the snout, became queen of everything, nibbled his cheese, ate the sweets, and foraged everywhere.

Glennie and Ratsey and the half-dozen of us boys, who crossed the swampy meadows strewn with drowned shrew-mice and moles. Even my aunt was not at church, being prevented by a migraine, but a surprise waited those who did go, for there in a pew by himself sat Elzevir Block.

It is quite wrong to have any dread of them; as a matter of fact, the bird you have just seen is, like all its species, more useful than injurious to man, for it destroys a vast number of small mammals jerboas, shrew-mice, dormice, and field-mice, which ravage the farmer's crops.

Now, as a matter of fact, the devil's coach-horse is quite harmless, but I have often seen, not only little boys and girls, but also chickens, small birds, and shrew-mice, evidently alarmed at his minatory attitude.

Then this Curtius of nibblers made his little speech, not the jargon of common mice, but in the polite language of shrew-mice: 'My lord, I have heard with much concern of your glorious family, of which I am one of the most devoted slaves.

The use of this singular appendage is not clearly understood; and, indeed, it would appear to be an obstruction to the natural requirements of the animal. No doubt, however, it has its purpose though that purpose be unknown to us. The Shrew-Mice are still another kind of small ratlike quadrupeds.

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