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Updated: August 12, 2024

As I said before, they musd build a shib, and she musd be of sufficiend size to float in the air and to garry all her eguipments." "But such an aerial ship would be a veritable monster" protested the colonel. "Zo are the Adlandic liners of the presend day," quietly answered the professor. "Phew!" whistled the colonel.

Id musd nod be forgodden, either, thad an air shib musd, in one imbordand bardigular, be dreated exactly like her ocean sisder. An ocean shib gonsdrugded, say, of sdeel, will sink if filled with wader, begause sdeel is heavier than wader, bulk for bulk; bud bump oud all the wader from her inderior, and if she be proberly gonsdrugded, she will fload on the elemend she is indended do navigade.

That's rather `steep, as the Yankees say. But `a fool and his money are soon parted' if you are convinced that your scheme is really practicable, professor, I will find the needful," remarked the baronet. "Bragdigable! My dear sir, id is as bragdigable as id is to build a shib which will navigade the ocean.

And the same with an air shib: bump out all or nearly all the air which she gondains, and if she be gonsdrugded in aggordanze with the brincibles I have indigaded, she will fload in the lighder elemend." "Upon my word, professor, you have argued your case extremely well," exclaimed the colonel. "I can see only one difficulty in the way; and that is in the matter of weight."

This enormous sdrength necessidades the use of a gorresbonding thickness and therefore weighd of the medal used in her gonsdruction. Such brovision would of gourse be unnecessary in the gase of an aerial shib; begause no one would dream of garrying an ounze of unnecessary weighd through the air; and there are no moundain seas in the admosphere to sdrain a shib.

An ocean shib musd be buildt sdrong enough nod only do susdain the weighd of her gargo often amounding do upwards of a thousand dons bud also do withstand the dremendous and incessandly varying sdrain do which she is exbosed when garrying thad gargo through a moundainous sea.

Der only drouble iss der dooty of navigading der shib falls double on der segond mate und me." "Make him pay ye over-time out av his own wages, the wurthless vagabone!" Mr. Reardon had urged. "May he walk wit' a limp for the rest av his days bad cess to him! I've a notion, Misther Schultz, that lad'll never comb his hair grey." Mr.

The gread in facd the only diffiguldy in the madder is thad air is eight hundred dimes lighder than wader; and an air shib of given dimensions musd therefore be ad leasd eight hundred dimes lighder than her ocean sisder do enable her do fload in the atmosphere.

"A zimilar remarg was made nod zo very many years ago when id was suggesded that ocean shibs could be buildt of medal," retorted the professor. "Yed there are thousands of medal shibs in exisdenze do-day; and there can be no doubt as do the facd thad they fload. And zo will an aerial shib.

And he turned to me with a rueful smile. "An' all easy to prove," said the Scotchman, pocketing the warrant. "I've one o' these for you," he added, nodding to me, "only not such a long one." "To think," said the captain reproachfully, "that my shib should be made a den of thiefs! It shall be a very disagreeable madder, I have been obliged to pud you both in irons until we get to Nables."

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