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Then Satyaki pierced the charioteer of his foe and those that protected the latter's rear, with many keen shafts, to afflict his antagonist's forces. The hostile division then, afflicted with Satyaki's arrows, broke down. Thereupon, Satyaki of prowess incapable of being baffled, quickly proceeded on his way. Hear now, O king, what that hero of great valour then did unto thy troops.

Indeed, that arm, which was to have cut off Satyaki's head itself, cut off by the unseen Arjuna, quickly dropped down on the earth, like a snake of five heads. The Kuru warrior, beholding himself incapacitated by Partha abandoned his hold on Satyaki and wrathfully reproved the son of Pandu.

The high-souled king Yudhishthira the Just, of mighty arms, fearing the evil opinion of the world, began to think of Satyaki's car. "Sini's grandson Satyaki, of true prowess, that dispeller of the fears of friends, hath been sent by me in the track of Phalguna. I had only one source of anxiety before, but now I have two. I should have tidings of both Satyaki and Dhananjaya, the son of Pandu.

Those piercing through Satyaki's armour, penetrated into the latter's body. Thus afflicted by him the grandson of Sini, endued with great activity and possessed of prowess equal to that of Indra himself speedily slew with his keen shafts the steeds of Sudarsana and uttered a loud roar.

And once more, Alamvusha struck Satyaki with three sharp arrows equipped with beautiful wings, blazing as fire, and shot from his bow drawn to the ear. Those piercing through Satyaki's coat of mail, penetrated into his body.

Let all of you, headed by Bhimasena, and accompanied by others proceed thither where Satyaki's car is. Behind you I will follow with my troops. Rescue Satyaki today who is already within the jaws of the Destroyer." Having said these words, O Bharata, king Yudhishthira with all his troops rushed towards Drona for the sake of Yuyudhana.

Then the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana struck that Brahmana with a hundred arrows in that battle, and rejoiced exceedingly, O monarch, at the feat he had achieved. Then Drona, O Bharata, sped at Satyaki five arrows. Those fierce arrows, piercing Satyaki's armour, drank his blood in that battle. Thus pierced with those frightful arrows, Satyaki became inflamed with wrath.

Having pierced Satyaki's body with those sharp and blazing arrows, endued with the force of fire or the wind, Alamvusha forcibly struck the four steeds of Satyaki, white as silver, with four other arrows. Having then cut off his head, beautiful as the full moon and decked with excellent car-rings with a broad-headed arrow, fierce as the Yuga-fire.

For this let well-known steeds of best breed and graced with auspicious marks be yoked to my car, after causing their thirst to be slaked and after grooming them duly!" "Sanjaya continued, 'After this, Yudhishthira caused quivers full of shafts, and diverse kinds of weapons, and, indeed, all necessaries, to be placed on Satyaki's car.

Bhurisravas, on the other hand, is not tired, he hath supporters behind him, O Kesava! Will success be Satyaki's in this encounter? Encountering that foremost one amongst the Kurus, viz., the high-souled Bhurisravas, skilled in weapons, will Satyaki have good fortune? I regard this, O Kesava, to have been an error of judgment on the part of king Yudhishthira the Just.