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He lit a cigarette nervously, fumbled with a bunch of keys in his trousers pocket and then, looking at her dirty hands, said: "L-l-look here, old girl. I d-don't w-want to quarrel with you. But I w-want you to f-face things a bit. Y-you s-see you've been used to a class of society quite different from mine. You know look here, I say, I don't want you to go making faux pas."

"Only you see," said Spike, "the miscreants weren't on board." "That wouldn't have made any difference to Eb," I told him, "he'd have run you in just as quick." "Now you s-see why we're a l-l-little sh-shy of going anywhere!

He wishes to examine your instrument." The gentleman nodded brusquely and stretched out a fat hand. He was short and quite bald, and he stuttered as he spoke. "Quite a d-decent fiddle for a gypsey," he said, "Let me s-see it!" Velasco bowed with his hand on his heart: "It is mine," he said in a humble voice, "A thousand pardons, Bárin! Impossible!"

"Yes, ma am," Stanley almost stuttered. "Y-you s-see I'm some surprised " "Some surprised!" The girl was smiling hopefully. "That sounds like good old United States talk." "We heard so much noise overhead, then some nasty bombs exploding. So Brenda and I have lain hidden in the cellars for for hours. Haven't we, Brenda? The dim form in the rear nodded emphatically. "But who are you?"

"I've been waiting for you half an hour, Louis." "I'm not coming," he said, looking away from her awkwardly. "Y-you've b-better c-company than m-mine." She flushed and felt herself trembling with temper. A flash from her father's eyes lit up her face as she said quickly: "No, I haven't. I want to talk to you." "I c-can't l-leave these chaps now. I'll s-see you to-morrow," he said sullenly.