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'So you are taking up politics seriously? said Count Rouvaloff, when Lord Arthur had told him the object of his mission; but Lord Arthur, who hated swagger of any kind, felt bound to admit to him that he had not the slightest interest in social questions, and simply wanted the explosive machine for a purely family matter, in which no one was concerned but himself.

'Count Rouvaloff has given me an introduction to you, said Lord Arthur, bowing, 'and I am anxious to have a short interview with you on a matter of business. My name is Smith, Mr. Robert Smith, and I want you to supply me with an explosive clock. 'Charmed to meet you, Lord Arthur, said the genial little German, laughing.

Suddenly he thought of his friend Rouvaloff, a young Russian of very revolutionary tendencies, whom he had met at Lady Windermere's in the winter.

Count Rouvaloff was supposed to be writing a life of Peter the Great, and to have come over to England for the purpose of studying the documents relating to that Tsar's residence in this country as a ship carpenter; but it was generally suspected that he was a Nihilist agent, and there was no doubt that the Russian Embassy did not look with any favour upon his presence in London.

After some delay, during which every window in the court became a blurred mass of peering faces, the door was opened by a rather rough-looking foreigner, who asked him in very bad English what his business was. Lord Arthur handed him the paper Count Rouvaloff had given him.

"They did not see her approaching, but she heard what they were saying. And this was what they said: "'But who is the father of the girl? "'A Russian, it appears; Count Rouvaloff. He never comes near the mother now. "'And who is the reigning prince to-day? "'That English prince standing near the window; Madame Samoris adores him.

"They did not see her approaching; but she heard what they were saying. And this was what they said: "'But who is the father of the girl? "'A Russian, it appears, Count Rouvaloff. He never comes near the mother now. "'And who is the reigning prince to-day? "'That English prince standing near the window; Madame Samoris adores him.

"They did not see her approaching, but she heard what they were saying. And this was what they said: "'But who is the father of the girl? "'A Russian, it appears; Count Rouvaloff. He never comes near the mother now. "'And who is the reigning prince to-day? "'That English prince standing near the window; Madame Samoris adores him.

Count Rouvaloff looked at him for some moments in amazement, and then seeing that he was quite serious, wrote an address on a piece of paper, initialled it, and handed it to him across the table. 'Scotland Yard would give a good deal to know this address, my dear fellow.