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Then turning round, a parchment did Reduan unfold, And on it was a writing in characters of gold; The meaning of the posy at once the maiden caught: "Since I can venture, I can have; as yet, I am not naught." He shows upon his shield a sun, circled with burning rays; And on the rim was written a little verse which says, "Two suns, one on my shield, and one in beauty's eyes, I trace."

Reduan de Vanegas, the brave alcayde of Granada, alone succeeded in collecting a body of the fugitives; he made a circuit with them through the passes of the mountain, and, forcing his way across a weak part of the Christian lines, galloped toward Velez Malaga. The rest of the Moorish host was completely scattered.

His father, one of the Vanegas of Cordova, had been captured in infancy and brought up as a Moslem.* From him sprang the vizier, Abul Cacim Vanegas, and his brother, Reduan Vanegas, likewise high in rank in the court of Muley Abul Hassan, and they had about them numerous and powerful connections, all basking in court favor.

The wife of Cid Hiaya was sister of the two Moorish generals, Abul Cacim and Reduan Vanegas, and, like them, the fruit of the union of a Christian knight, Don Pedro Vanegas, with Cetimerien, a Moorish princess. Pulgar, part 3, c. 106.

He shrank not from his promise, did Reduan the brave, The promise to Granada's King with daring high he gave; And when the morning rose and lit the hills with ruddy glow, He marshalled forth his warriors to strike a final blow. With shouts they hurry to the walls, ten thousand fighting men Resolved to plant the crescent on the bulwarks of Jaen.

And never at Almanzor's court had he for honor sought, Though he dwelt in high Toledo in fair Arselia's thought; And now she dreams of love's great gift, of passion's deep delight, When far away from her palace walls a stranger came in sight. It was no gallant lovelorn youth she saw approaching fast, It was the hero Reduan whose vernal years were past.

The warden of fierce Reduan With cruelty more deep That that of a hidalgo, Has locked this prison keep; And on this frontier set me, To pine without repose, To watch, from dawn to sunset, Over his Christian foes. Here like a watch-tower am I set For Santiago's lord, And for a royal mistress Who breaks her plighted word.

The Moorish cavalier who had manifested such a chivalrous spirit in encountering the count singly was Reduan Vanegas, brother of the former vizier of Muley Abul Hassan, and one of the leaders of the faction of the sultana Zoraya. The dawn of day found Don Alonso de Aguilar with a handful of his followers still among the mountains.

One of the first measures of the Moorish king was to detach a large force, under Reduan de Vanegas, alcayde of Granada, to fall upon the convoy of ordnance, which stretched for a great distance through the mountain-defiles. Ferdinand had anticipated this attempt, and sent the commander of Leon with a body of horse and foot to reinforce the master of Alcantara.

The wazir had charge of the arms and provisions and the enrolling of the people. Muza was to command the cavalry, to defend the gates, and to take the lead in all sallies and skirmishings. Naim Reduan and Muhammed Aben Zayde were his adjutants. Abdel Kerim Zegri and the other captains were to guard the walls, and the alcaydes of the Alcazaba and of the Red Towers had command of the fortresses.