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In 1712 Corelli's concertos were beautifully engraved at Amsterdam, but the composer only survived the publication a few weeks. A beautiful statue, bearing the inscription "Corelli princeps musicorum," was erected to his memory, adjacent that honoring the memory of Raffaelle in the Pantheon. He accumulated a considerable fortune, and left a valuable collection of pictures.

Then there is another and most important reason which explains his position as first, princeps, of Spanish letters, and it is that Unamuno, by the cross which he has chosen to bear, incarnates the spirit of modern Spain. His eternal conflict between faith and reason, between life and thought, between spirit and intellect, between heaven and civilization, is the conflict of Spain herself.

My Society has printed an editio princeps of the works of the father of history, Thucyderodotus Macolly-buckle. Have you read his account of what was blasphemously called the Perfect City of God, and the attempt made to reproduce it in the northern part of these islands by Jonhobsnoxius, called the Leviathan?

It was not easy to express these varying emotions on a few nights of stairs, and so Moses went farther afield, in subtle minutiae like this Moses was facile princeps, being as Wellhausen puts it of the virtuosi of religion. Thus was the divine principle of justice symbolized even in these small matters.

It consists of hybrids of G. Saundersii pollinated with the finest Gandavensis varieties. Lemoine's New Blue was first exhibited at the Chicago Exposition 1893 and placed on sale the following year. Gladiolus Princeps, Childsii x G. cruentus, the finest scarlet variety ever raised, was introduced in 1903. Gladiolus primulinus and hybrids were first publicly offered in 1909. Hybridizing Gladiolus.

He had risen to be head of the school; statesmen with little affectation applauded him on speech days. He had been brilliant as a batsman, was a champion swimmer, and facile princeps in the ineptitudes of the classics; and showed a dazzling originality in other studies scarcely within the school curriculum.

Meanwhile, he had been presented to the once famous Cénacle, the nucleus of the romantic school, then in the pride and flush of youth and rapidly increasing popularity; its head-quarters were at the house of Victor Hugo facile princeps ordinis even among its chiefs.

"I am Rene Descartes," replied the soldier, gently. "How, sir!" cried De Thou. "Are you so happy as to be related to the author of the Princeps?" "I am the author of that work," replied Rene. "You, sir! but still pardon me but are you not a military man?" stammered out the counsellor, in amazement. "Well, what has the habit of the body to do with the thought? Yes, I wear the sword.

I find, on looking through the Institutio Oratoria of Quintilian, that in his estimation the Pro Milone was the first in favor of all our author's orations "facile princeps," if we may collect the critic's ideas on the subject from the number of references made and examples taken.

Almost the first figure that these audacious caricaturists dared to depict was a political one: in Macaire's red breeches and tattered coat appeared no less a personage than the King himself the old Poire in a country of humbugs and swindlers the facile princeps; fit to govern, as he is deeper than all the rogues in his dominions.