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But Lenin was a pre-atomic man, who viewed society and history with pre-atomic eyes. Something profound has happened since he wrote. War has changed its shape and its dimension. It cannot now be a "stage" in the development of anything save ruin for your regime and your homeland. I do not know how much time may elapse before the communist rulers bring themselves to recognize this truth.

"But, Leonard, that's a pretty serious accusation." "It's happened before. That fellow who carved a Late Upland Martian inscription in that cave in Kenya, for instance. Or Hellermann's claim to have cross-bred Terran mice with Thoran tilbras. Or the Piltdown Man, back in the first century Pre-Atomic?" Mallin nodded. "None of us like to think of a thing like that, but, as you say, it's happened.

As they sat down, he aimed his ultraviolet light-pencil at a serving robot. Unlike Mardukan robots, which looked like surrealist conceptions of Pre-Atomic armored knights, it was a smooth ovoid floating a few inches from the floor on its own contragravity; as it approached, its top opened like a bursting beetle shell and hinged trays of food swung out. The boy looked at it in fascination.

They realize that there must be something beyond what they can see and handle, but they think it's magic. Well, as a race, so did we until only a few centuries pre-atomic. These people are still lower Neolithic, a hunting people who have just learned agriculture. Where we were twenty thousand years ago.

"When we came to Ullr, we found a culture roughly like that of Europe during the Seventh Century Pre-Atomic. We initiated a technological and economic revolution here, and such revolutions have their casualties, too.

That's ridiculous. A slave's a slave!" "Who'll do the work? And who would they belong to? They'd have to belong to somebody!" "What I want to know," Rovard Javasan made himself heard, is, "how are you going to free them?" There was an ancient word, originating in one of the lost languages of Pre-Atomic Terra sixtifor. It meant, the basic, fundamental, question.

"Corporate State, First Century Pre-Atomic on Terra. Benny the Moose," Harkaman said. "Let's all go down and talk to them." When they were sure that the public had been warned to make no resistance, the Nemesis went down to two miles, bulking over the center of the city.

"That's what we have to find out," van Riebeek told him. "That's what I was talking about a moment ago. We don't know any more about how sapience appeared today than we did in the year zero, or in the year 654 Pre-Atomic for that matter." "Wait a minute," Jack interrupted. "Before we go any deeper, let's agree on a definition of sapience." Van Riebeek laughed.

"You call them that, too?" she asked, as though disappointed in him. "Maybe if you stopped calling them geeks, they wouldn't resent you the way they do. You know, that's a nasty name; in the First Century Pre-Atomic, it designated a degraded person who performed some sort of revolting public exhibition...." "As far as that goes, you know what the geek name for a Terran is?" Blount asked.

But Lenin was a pre-atomic man, who viewed society and history with pre-atomic eyes. Something profound has happened since he wrote. War has changed its shape and its dimension. It cannot now be a "stage" in the development of anything save ruin for your regime and your homeland. I do not know how much time may elapse before the communist rulers bring themselves to recognize this truth.