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For soda developers, Eder uses a solution of 10 parts of pure crystallized soda in 100 parts of water. For use, 100 c.c. of this solution are mixed with 6 c.c. of a pyrogallic solution of 1:10, without the addition of any bromide. More pleasant to work with is Dr. Stolze's potassa developer. No. 1: Water, 200 c.c.; chem. pure potassium carbonate, 90 gr.; sodium sulphite, 25 gr.

Upon concentrating the solutions, cubic crystals will be obtained, having a taste similar to common salt. They consist of potassium and chloride, and when dissolved in water they may be regarded as muriate of potassa. Chloride of Lime. The liquid clarifies by standing; may be regarded as a solution of chloride of lime, and must be protected from the air and light.

But the herb under consideration contains a relatively larger proportion of inorganic salts, as those of lime, potassa, and ammonia, and especially of highly nitrogenized substances; which explains why tobacco is so exhausting a crop to the soil, and why ashes are among its best fertilizers.

Nevertheless, alkalies in general, alkaline carbonates, liquor potassa, soaps, etc., aid in rendering fat more soluble, and consequently more susceptible to attack. The alkaline waters, however, are much less active in obesity than the saline mineral waters, unless, as sometimes happens, there is a complication of diabetes and obesity.

This operation, however, is very simple, and may be performed every time the battery is visited in order to see what state it is in. We regard Mr. Mareschal's apparatus as an indispensable addition to every case of domestic electric lighting in which bichromate of potassa piles are used, and, in general, to all cases where the pile becomes uselessly exhausted in open circuit.

Continue washing in this manner till there is no acid or copperas taste; then add to the gold in the bottom of the dish from 1-1/2 to 2 oz. cyanuret potassa, dissolved in about 1/2 pint pure soft water. The solution is then ready for use. Gild by laying a piece of pure zinc in contact with the article to be gilded, in the solution.

Give internally one of the following powders in the feed, night and morning: flowers of sulphur, two ounces; black antimony, one ounce; nitrate of potassa, one ounce; mix, and divide into eight powders. This is one of the most malignant diseases to which cattle are liable. Fortunately, however, true murrain is comparatively rare in this great stock-raising country.

Continue washing in this manner till no acid or salt taste remains; then add a quart or more of pure soft water, and cyanuret potassa enough to take it up, or nearly so. The solution is then nearly ready for use. Silver by laying a piece of zinc in contact with the article, the same as in gilding. If the article you are silvering or gilding corrodes or turns black, it wants a little more cyanuret.

P. got himself analysed that day by Dr. ALLEN, and he was found to consist principally of carbonate of Lime; Silicate of Potassa; Iodide of Magnesia; and Chloride of Sodium; with a strong trace of Sulphate of Strontia. At night, however, he was able to attend the hop in the grand saloon. For a time Mr. P. danced with one girl right along.

Coloring Back Grounds Transparent ditto Gilding Dissolvent Solution for removing Specks Solarized Impression To Purify Water Cleaning Mercury Adhesive Paper Black Stain for Apparatus Sealing Wax for Bottles Rouge Rotten Stone Potassa Solution Hyposulphite Solution Substitute for do.