Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 19, 2024

When the breeze is fresh and the sea choppy, the boat starts in to trawl. The net is fastened all along a big log of wood clamped with iron and is let down by two ropes on pulleys at either end of the boat. And the boat, driven by the wind and the tide, draws along this apparatus which ransacks and plunders the depths of the sea.

By canals he separates quarters of the globe and provinces from one another; leads one stream to another and discharges them upon a sandy desert, changed thereby into smiling meadow; three quarters of the globe he plunders and transplants them into a fourth. Even climate, air, and weather acknowledge his sway.

They slapped him on the back, as they went by, and told him that he was a devil of a fellow. So Tammany came back. And four long years we swore at it. But I am afraid we swore at the wrong fellow. The real Tammany is not the conscienceless rascal that plunders our treasury and fattens on our substance. That one is a mere counterfeit.

A governour whose power is checked, lets others plunder, that he himself may be allowed to plunder; but if despotick, he sees that the more he lets others plunder, the less there will be for himself, so he restrains them; and though he himself plunders, the country is a gainer, compared with being plundered by numbers.

"Is the chief of the Salt Lake also at war with my brother's tribe?" inquired the Miko. "Not at war; but he is a pirate, who robs and plunders wherever he goes, and, if taken, will of course be hung." The countenance of the Indian darkened, and Hodges feared that he had touched a dangerous string. "My brother is right," said Tokeah; "he must go.

As Ned Low grew up to be a strong young fellow, he also grew discontented with the pilferings and petty plunders which were possible to him in the London streets, and so he went to sea and sailed to America.

The spectators still followed the surveyor and his Jacob's-staff, but Purdee lingered. He walked around the fence with a fierce, gloating eye, a panther-like, loping tread, as a beast might patrol a fold before he plunders it. All the venom of the old feud had risen to the opportunity. Here was his enemy at his mercy.

It will be rare if I can make Paul rob Peter while Peter plunders Paul. How dare they be so close-fisted while the King's flag is flying and England's honor in peril!" If she said this with any idea of palliating the possible lawlessness of her action in the eyes of her companion, she wasted her words.

To what extent the cat-bird is a nest-robber I have no evidence, but that feline mew of hers, and that flirting, flexible tail, suggest something not entirely bird-like. Probably the darkest tragedy of the nest is enacted when a snake plunders it. All birds and animals, so far I have observed, behave in a peculiar manner toward a snake.

He is a robber in gross, and a thief in detail, he steals, he filches, he plunders, he oppresses, he extorts, all for the good of the dear East India Company, all for the advantage of his honored masters, the Proprietors, all in gratitude to the dear perfidious Court of Directors, who have been in a practice to heap "insults on his person, slanders on his character, and indignities on his station, who never had the confidence in him that they had in the meanest of his predecessors."

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