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The health officer, a grave and dignified personage, with a formidable posse, was rowed alongside the brig in an eight-oared barge. He asked the question, "Are you all well on board?" "Yes." The crew were summoned to the side of the vessel, and their phizzes critically examined by the doctor.

While we fed our eyes with the sight of the phizzes and actions of these lounging gulligutted Gastrolaters, we on a sudden heard the sound of a musical instrument called a bell; at which all of them placed themselves in rank and file as for some mighty battle, everyone according to his office, degree, and seniority.

Don't they say one's well when one's ill ill when one's well? profess to know what don't know? thrust solemn phizzes into every abomination, as if larning lay hid in a ? and all for their neighbours' money, or their own reputation, which makes money augh!

If, on the other hand, the men and women in the concert-room were as oddly distinguished one from another as these different fishes, you would prefer going with your brother." "I'm sure I shouldn't" said Saffy to Mark. "Phizzes is best on fishes," answered Mark sententiously. "I like faces best; only you don't always want to look at what you like best! I wonder why."

The former set, who expressed their astonishment, seemed, from the cut of their coats, and the turn of their phizzes, to be bankers' and merchants' clerks; but many of the latter seemed to be gentlemen. I continued boldly to demand any change, or my note.

Don't they say one's well when one's ill ill when one's well? profess to know what don't know? thrust solemn phizzes into every abomination, as if larning lay hid in a ? and all for their neighbours' money, or their own reputation, which makes money augh!

'The Duke of York' hotel, kept by Seaman, has a better reputation, and thither I would advise you to repair; and I advise you to pay your bill every morning at breakfast time: it is the only way to escape imposition. What the Hamburgh merchants may be I know not, but the tradesmen are knaves. Scoundrels, with yellow-white phizzes, that bring disgrace on the complexion of a bad tallow candle.

For all that, these Nimrods wore such complacent phizzes of retired tradesmen, and their style of lion-hunting with dogs and game-bags was so patriarchal, that the Tarasconian, a little perplexed, deemed it incumbent to question one of the gentlemen. "And furthermore, comrade, is the sport good?" "Not bad," responded the other, regarding the speaker's imposing warlike equipment with a scared eye.

The Indian ponies, much excited, kept careering through the wood, around the encampment, and now and then halting suddenly, would thrust in their intelligent, though amazed, phizzes, as if to ask their masters when this awful pother would cease, and then, after a moment, rush and trample off again. At last we got off, well wetted, but with a picturesque scene for memory.