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Did she die of a peach-stone at the banquet?" "Not at all. She became Princess of Este instead of Sheba." "Oh-h-h," says Grace Plumer, in a long-drawn exclamation. "And then?" "Why, Miss Grace, how insatiable you are! then I came away." "You did? I wouldn't have come away." "No, Miss Grace, you didn't." "How I didn't? What does that mean, Mr. Moultrie?" "I mean the Princess remained."

For two years she suffered agonies in her stomach without any cessation or relief. The luckless peach-stone, repelled by the walls of the stomach, which its very touch irritated, was incessantly thrown against the entrance of the pylorus, but in vain. As to turning itself into chyme, such a thing was not to be thought of, it was far too hard a substance for that.

In the same manner, upon the second day, is to be performed the Thanksgiving dance. On the third, the Thanksgiving concert. Ah-do-weh is to be introduced. The fourth day is set apart for the peach-stone game. All these ceremonies instituted by our Creator must be commenced at early day, and cease at the middle day.

Now in Ceylon, the central district, answering to this peach-stone, constitutes a fierce little Liliputian kingdom, quite independent, through many centuries, of the lazy belt, the peach-flesh, which swathes and enfolds it, and perfectly distinct by the character and origin of its population. The peach-stone is called Kandy, and the people Kandyans.

One boy answered, "Strawberries and blackberries;" and another said, "Peaches and pears." Another boy asked why the peach-stone was not outside the peach, so as to keep it from being eaten; but the master said that he would explain this another time. Then he dismissed the scholars, after asking Roger to wait until the rest had gone, as he wished to see him alone.

The Emperor Francis had to-day entered his study at an earlier hour than usual, and was industriously engaged there in finishing a miniature cup which he had commenced cutting from a peach-stone yesterday.