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Updated: August 28, 2024

"The inference is unflinching," he replied acquiescently. "I prostrate myself expectantly." "You have competently performed your part," admitted Pe-lung, although an occasional jet of purple vapour clouded his upper person and the passage of his breath among his teeth would have been distasteful to one of sensitive refinement. "Nothing remains but the fulfilling of my iron word."

"I come to buy an imitation pig-tail to pass for one," replied Pe-lung, with quiet composure. "Greeting, valorous champion! How fares Melodious Vision?" "Agreeably so," admitted Chang Tao, and then, fearing that so far his reply had been inadequate, he added: "Yet, despite the facts, there are moments when this person almost doubts if he did not make a wrong decision in the matter after all."

"That is a very common complaint," said Pe-lung, becoming most offensively amused. The Propitious Dissension between Two whose General Attributes have already been sufficiently Described When Kai Lung had related the story of Chang Tao and had made an end of speaking, those who were seated there agreed with an undivided voice that he had competently fulfilled his task.

"Not unnaturally is it said: 'He who kills tigers does not wear rat-skin sleeves. It would be one thing to make a boast of having slain six dragons; it would be quite another to be bidden to bring in their tails." "That is a difficulty which must be considered," admitted Pe-lung, "but a path round it will inevitably be found.

"Learn now how incautious had been your speech, and how narrowly you have avoided the exact fate of which I warned you. The one speaking to you is in reality a powerful dragon, his name being Pe-lung, from the circumstance that the northern limits are within his sway. Had it not been for a chance reference you would certainly have been struck dead at the parting of our ways."

While speaking to Chang Tao in this encouraging strain, Pe-lung was also conversing suitably with Fuh-sang, who had by this time joined them, warning her of his absence until the dawn, and the like.

Nevertheless it is true that once again in a later time Chang Tao encountered in the throng one whom he recognized. Encouraged by the presence of so many of his kind, he approached the other and saluted him. "Greeting, O Pe-lung," he said, with outward confidence. "What bends your footsteps to this busy place of men?"

"It is inconceivable that, were it otherwise, you would admit the humiliating fact." "Yet out of your millenaries of experience you must already " "It is well said that after passing a commonplace object a hundred times a day, at nightfall its size and colour are unknown to one," replied Pe-lung.

"But this enchanting apparition is Melodious Vision!" exclaimed Chang Tao. "What new bewilderment is here?" "Since you have thus expressed yourself, I will now throw off the mask and reveal fully why I have hitherto spared your life, and for what purpose I have brought you to these barren heights," replied Pe-lung.

"Fortunately it is possible to take a broad-minded view of your uncourteous action, owing to your sense of the fitnesses being for the time in abeyance through allegiance to so engaging a maiden as Melodious Vision," said Pe-lung in a voice not devoid of reproach. "Had you but confided in me more fully I should certainly have cautioned you in time.

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