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The lamb stood stock still as he yielded to his importunities, and Bowers continued whimsically: "I been a father and mother to you, Mary, an' you might a-been an orphing through your own orn'riness if I hadn't throwed down on that feller pretty pronto. "No denyin' 'twould have made a preacher peevish to have you land in the pit of his stummick with them sharp hoofs of yourn.

'Sides, even if it was across the sea, couldn't we go an' be stow'ways, like the Younger Brothers and all them? And Little Lord Fauntleroy. He went and was a lord, and he wasn't nothing but a' orphing. My ma read me about him, only she don't talk English very good, but we'll go stow'ways," he wound up, triumphantly. "Gerrrrrrtrrrrrude!" A high-pitched voice from the stoop.

You see, I didn't want to seem to jump at it too eager-like, though I liked the notion, an' I had neither wife, nor sweetheart, nor father or mother, to think about, for I'm a orphing, you see, like yourself, Archie only a somewhat bigger one. "Well, when we'd finished all the coffee, an' all the buns, an' all the etceterers, he began to advise me not to ha' nothin' more to do wi' grog-shops.

"Ah, poor lad, I forgot you was a orphing. Well, you see, I think it must ha' bin a love o' change or a love o' discontent, or suthin' o' that sort, as brought me cruising in these here waters, for I can't say what else it was. You see I was born a sort o' ro-oh " "Look out! a badger-hole!" shouted the boy.

The people ran to the water's edge and began firing a broadside of down east interrogatives with such rapidity as to nearly swamp him. "Ain't yeou nearly drowned?" "Ain't yeou afeard yeou will be?" "Ain't yeou hungry?" "Ain't yeou cold?" "Ain't yeou hot?" "Kin yeou keep awake?" "Ef yeou cain't, would yeou sink?" "Air yeou a orphing?", "Dew yeou like the water?" "What circuse dew yeou belong tew?"

"I'm a double widow, and a orphing to-day," she said, "and I don't reserve a single child to my name!" Nan and Bobby came to the funeral, and Bobby chose to be undertaker, while Nan insisted on preaching the sermon. "You preached yesterday," she said to Ethelwyn, who also wished to. "And you did the day before " "I think I ought to," said Beth, "because it's my fam'ly."